Spring of 1996

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*TW: Start of an addiction*

We all used the Floo to get to the train station and ride with the Hogwarts Express, we tried to just use the Floo to get to Hogwarts, but Dumbledore denied our request.

During the Christmas break we grew a lot closer and the pact bond is settling, it is more to the background and I don't feel crazy anymore when they are not near. It took a lot of transforming and a lot of clothes but now we can shift and keep on our clothes.

On our last night we had a Death Eater meeting and we were being told that we have to be more serious. Bellatrix complained to everyone that her Pureblood nephew should not be with a Halfblood, that it is bad to show such a relationship. The Dark Lord agreed and Draco and I are not allowed to be seen together as a couple.

It was to be expected that Bellatrix would try and ruin things, but we have agreed to the terms. No one in public will see us together, but that doesn't mean that we will break up. We will never break up, whatever anyone thinks or says about it.

The Hogwarts Express is very busy and we pick a carrier for only us six, locking the door behind us. My muscles are still sore, but in a pleasant way. I'm learning to pull my wolf senses forward and push them back, that way I'm not always overwhelmed by smelling everything around me.

"I don't want to go to school," Blaise complains, he is sitting between me and Pansy.

Draco is sitting the furthest away from me, Theo in front of me and Daphne across from me. We already discussed that we would change our sitting arrangements at the table and in class. I bet that the Toad is ready to tell the Dark Lord all about us, hoping to gain his favor.

With the new rule also comes the problem that I have to sleep alone, or at least in the girls' dorms. Pansy offered to sleep next to me if I feel safer that way. Daphne wouldn't even mind creating one big bed for us three. They really are the best. I am happy to feel so accepted by them, they really are my friends.

The train ride to Scotland is long, I try to read a book, but my eyes fall closed. I end up leaning against the cool window and napping for a while. When I wake up again everyone is asleep except Draco.

"Hi," I greet him softly.

"I'm going to miss that," he smiles, one of the rare cute smiles. Both corners of his mouth curling up a bit.

"I will miss you next to me," I tell him.

"How will I sleep without you snoring next to me? When will we have sex? We had it each day of the break, how am I going to live without that tight little body of yours pressed against me," he is smirking and adjusts his trousers.

"Please, don't do it right now," Blaise complains, his eyes still closed.

I nudge his arm. "You could have told us that you are awake and just so you know, I don't snore," I roll my eyes, annoyed.

"You do and why would I want to miss Draco's dirty talk?" he chuckles.

"Just tell me if you want it and I tell you each night what I would do with Hermione," Draco snorts, grinning at me.

"You will not do any of that," I tell him sternly. "I'd rather have you do it to me."

Draco's jealousy is back to normal. I like it when he is possessive of me, but it shouldn't be too much. We are all friends and I don't want to ruin that by him not being able to take a joke.

The conversation falls silent and I just look out of the window, watching the beautiful landscape go by. By the time we finally reach Hogwarts I am hungry and tired again. Pansy and Daphne walk beside me as we follow the boys up to the castle and to the Great Hall.

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