First Task

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"Did you know Hagrid is dating the headmistress of Beauxbatons?" Harry asks me as he crawls through the portrait hole.

"No of course not, why would I know that?" I ask. "How is he?"

"He was really happy, even combing his hair and wearing a flower. Like proper fancy for him, you know," he responds.

"I didn't mean that, Harry. How about the dragons? Are they real? Could you recognise them?"

He shrugs sheepishly. "Sorry, yes there are dragons, four kinds, but I don't know them by name."

I grab the book next to me on the pile. "Come sit with me, we can look through the books and maybe you will recognise them. Then we can research them more."

"Hagrid said something about a Horntail, almost bloody burned me to a crisp and he mentioned that Ron had already seen them," Harry is staring at the book, lost in thoughts.

"Everything will be fine with Ronald, he just has his head up his arse," I tell him softly with my hand on his shoulder.

"Not the first time," he notes.

"You said Horntail, does it look like this one?" I ask as I point towards the illustration on the page of the Hungarian Horntail.

"Yes! It is! It was very big!"

"The Hungarian Horntail is a dragon native to Hungary and is considered to be the most dangerous dragon breed. It has brown skin, a spiked tail, and bronze horns protruding from its head. It has yellow eyes with vertical pupils. Its roar is a yowling, screeching scream, and its flame can reach to about fifty feet. While having a very far reaching flame the Horntails breath can reach extremely high temperatures as it makes a stone turn red hot in seconds. The Horntail's foods of choice include cattle, sheep, and goat. Its eggs are cement-coloured with very hard shells. Horntails are also known for being one of the most vicious breeds of dragon; Along with their viciousness Horntails are shown being extremely fast," I read out loud.

"Well that doesn't sound very promising, I'm not sure if I even want to know more about the others," Harry sighs.

"This is the only way for us to find their weaknesses before the task. It is our best shot," I encourage him.

The next dragon we figure out is the Chinese Fireball, the Fireball is scarlet and smooth scaled with a fringe of golden spikes around its snub-snouted face and extremely protuberant eyes. Its name is derived from the mushroom-shaped flame that comes from its nostrils when angered, along with the large mushroom-shaped flame it shoots from its mouth. The Fireball weighs between two and four tons. The Fireball is aggressive but, unlike other dragons, it is more tolerant of its own kind, and will sometimes consent to sharing its territory with up to two other dragons.

The Swedish Short-Snout is next, the scales are silvery blue, and its powerful flame is also a brilliant blue color - and hot enough to reduce timber and bone to ashes in seconds. Its attractive skin is much sought after for the making of gloves and shields.

Since it rarely comes into contact with humans, the Short-Snout has less deaths to its name than most dragons. However, the Short-Snout is nevertheless one of the most dangerous species due to its agile flying and the extremely hot fire that it produces. The Short-Snout tends to be less agile on the ground because of its lack of forward limbs.

And a Welsh Green is the last of the four dragons. The Common Welsh Green dragon, or just Welsh Green, is a native of Wales.

It nests in the higher mountain regions where a reservation has been set up for it. This dragon is a relatively subdued breed. It prefers to prey mainly on sheep and other small mammals and to avoid human contact altogether. The Welsh Green's roar is rather distinctive and somewhat melodious and it issues its fire in narrow jets. The eggs of the Common Welsh Green are earthy brown, flecked with green.

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