He's Back

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Days have passed before I wake up. I want to sit up but something is holding me down. As I open my eyes and wince at the bright light I see the Headmaster next to me, hand on my left shoulder.

"You gave us quite the scare, Miss Granger," he speaks softly.

"I...I don't remember," I say as I try to remember why and how I got here.

"You and Mr. Weasley got into a fight," he begins. "He hurt you and your magic tried to protect you, in your moment of weakness he tried to get inside of your mind. But you blocked him and your magic retaliated and it hit the both of you. You got hit on the head and knocked out."

I start to vaguely remember something, but it is just flashes of blue wisps.

"Don't force yourself. You need to rest for a couple of days more. Monday you can go back to school if you are up to it. No need to rush anything, Hermione."

I nod and feel my eyes slipping closed again. Did he just call me... my name...?

The days pass slowly. Harry, Ginny and Neville all visit me, but they can't stay long, because I need to rest and they have classes.

They are all angry with Ron, he did hurt me in a very public way, but some people choose his side. Probably because they are scared of the magic I used. Apparently it was very powerful and people could actually feel its power.

My first day back is draining, Harry helps me by carrying my bag and always sits next to me. Ron doesn't even show up for most classes and when he does, he sits in the back. It is easy to spot the people who choose his side, they stay close to him and keep the largest possible distance between them and me. Lavender Brown has even asked for a different dorm, because of how scared she is of me.

She even claimed I threatened her, but not a lot of people believed her. I haven't even said a word to her. The Headmaster had rejected her and now she spends her nights in the common room whining about Ron.

He got detention until the end of the year, and I didn't get any detention. The Headmaster is of the opinion that I only defended myself and that doesn't deserve a punishment.

A big brown owl drops a letter in front of me during breakfast on friday. I recognise the handwriting, grab it and leave the Great Hall. As I rip open the letter I am walking further away from curious eyes.

I love you. I hate that I can't do anything to help you.

Will you meet me tonight at the AT?

- D

My heart flutters and I hide the note. I probably need to burn it, but that is for later. This small note is the only thing that made me smile in the past week. My right shoulder is still sore and healing, but all other bruises are gone. I must have looked awful for the first few days, because all Harry could do was say sorry and that he should have helped me earlier.

In the evening I make my way towards the Astronomy Tower after I saw that Draco was already there.

"Hermione!" he exclaims and pulls me in a hug. "I was so worried for you, I couldn't help you, I didn't want to give them a reason to truly doubt you if they saw if I helped you. All I did was get Snape and watch you get thrown around by that fucking Weasel," he rushes.

"It's okay, Draco. Just hug me and help me forget," I whisper.

Everyday more images come back and everytime Ron somewhere I cringe and want to walk a different way. I hate that he is not technically wrong, I am on the wrong side of the coming war, but I still care about him and Harry. Everything I have done is for Harry, to protect him.

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