A Night to Remember

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Every night for seven days, even on the weekend I need to go to the Dungeons to brew potions for Madam Pomfrey. Draco is making different potions than I. Professor Snape put us on different ends of the classroom, but that doesn't keep me from glancing at Draco. Watching him work, his fingers curled around a knife, cutting each ingredient in perfect pieces.

The Daily Prophet did three big articles about a relationship between Harry and me, detailing every interaction that they caught on camera and what a blond Slytherin told them. All week students from every year came to us to congratulate us. We had to tell them that we are not a couple and they still don't fully believe us.

Tonight is the last night and tomorrow is Saturday, the day of the Yule Ball. I still need a dress, but tomorrow I will venture into Hogsmeade to look for one and even some heels if I can walk in them, maybe let someone do my hair.

Harry and Ron still don't have a date to the ball. At one time Ron tried to ask Fleur Delacour and got rejected, it was so funny. Harry asked Cho, from Ravenclaw, but she is already going with Cedric.

Snape is walking around the classroom, watching us doing our homework. I am almost finished. Every night after the hours of detention Draco and I sneak to the Astronomy Tower and work on homework together, afterwards we reward ourselves. I have been sore every day of the week and I am loving our routine.

Ron is sitting next to me for the first time in weeks, but the only thing he does is disrupt my focus. He is talking with Harry about the ball, I pick up that they are wondering if Neville is going without a date.

I lean over. "It might interest you to know that Neville already got someone."

"Now I am really depressed," sighs Ron dramatically.

A smile is tugging on my lips, but I try to hide it. The twins are sitting across from us, George throws a piece of paper on Ron's book. They see my smile and both wink at me, which makes me smile even more.

"Get a move on, or else all the good ones will have gone," Ron reads out loud. "Who are you going with then," he hisses towards them.

George throws a balled up piece of parchment against Angelina. She looks annoyed with his childish way to attract her attention.

He mouths, "Will you go to the ball with me," to her accompanied with movements to make it extra clear.

She nods excitedly and smiles, it is cute to watch.

Ron turns to me. "Oi, Hermione. You're a girl," he begins.

I frown, annoyed and look up at him. "Well spotted," I say sarcastically.

"Wanna come along?" He laughs and makes a little dance move.

Professor Snape sweeps in and hits him with a book over the head, next is Harry. I duck, scared that he will hit me too. Annoyance for Ron is rising in me again.

"You know, it is one thing for a bloke to show up alone, for a girl, it is just sad," he says as he looks me up and down.

I scoff. "I won't be going alone," I snap at him. "Believe it or not, someone asked me."

I gather my homework, walk over to Professor Snape's and hand him my book. Tears are burning in my eyes, not from sadness but from anger.

"I will see you tonight for detention," he says softly so only I can hear him.

I nod and quickly wipe away the escaped tear from my cheek. As I grab my bag from my seat I whip towards Ron and Harry, looking them both in the eyes as I sneer. "And I said yes," glaring daggers at them and walking out of the room.

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