Malfoy Manor

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"Welcome to my home," Draco says as he leads me through the huge iron gates.

I can feel the magic humming around me in the air. They must have used a lot of powerful spells to protect the Manor. I smile and look around, we are walking on a long gravel pathway leading to a large front door. Before we can even reach the stairs, the door swings open. Immediately I hide behind Draco. Something is wrong, his parents are still here, and I am Muggleborn! How will we explain this? Should I run?

"Young Master is coming home?" asks a high pitched elf.

"Yes, Mippy, and I have brought a friend for a few days. We will mostly keep to ourselves, there is no need to follow us around. If I need anything, I will call upon you," he tells the elf calmly.

"Yes, of course Young Master," the elf squeaks and Apperates away.

Draco takes my hand and leads me into the huge foyer of the Malfoy Manor. I can only look around and be amazed by the beauty of this Manor. We leave our trunks behind and we walk around.

"How do you not get lost here?" I ask in full amazement after ten minutes of wandering around.

"Funny story, I grew up here," he laughs playfully.

I scrunch up my nose but a laugh escapes me. "You probably never thought you would show me around, right?"

"Not really, but then I got the letter from Mother and it was all I could think of. My little Lioness in this house. So brave to even dare to come here, you know all Malfoys are Slytherins right?"

"Did you just call me Lioness, since when do you see that as a compliment?" I laugh. "And yet the manor still stands tall as a Gryffindor walks through it, and I did not die. Must be a fluke in the security," I laugh.

"You did not see that punch to the Weasel's cheek from my point of view, that deserves a nickname. I don't want to be on the receiving side of that fist," he chuckles.

I shake my head and roll my eyes. We are walking up a beautiful grand staircase to the first floor of the manor, after walking to the end of the hallway he opens a door and lets me in. The room is dark and decorated with dark green and silver. A huge queen size bed dominates the bedroom and one wall is filled with books. Near the window are two leather chairs, perfect for reading or having afternoon tea. I walk over to the window and stare across the gardens, beautiful roses are planted in neat rows and a pathway curls through the garden.

"Are the peacocks real?" I blurt out.

"Of course, what did you think, that we made it up?" he laughs.

Walking around on the grass are two gorgeous albino peacocks, showing their pale feathers to the sun. "You kind of walk the same as them," I snort, teasing him.

I turn to see his face change to the very well known Malfoy sneer. "I do not."

"Yes you do, showing off those lovely blond strands of hair, nose in the air, sneer on your face, and always ready to attack," I laugh as I let my fingers glide through his hair.

His eyes soften and he kisses me. "," he laughs between kisses.

I raise my eyebrow and ask: "Or else?"

He grabs my hips and pulls me flush against him and I can feel him getting hard. His cock growing against my stomach. "I might have some ideas," he growls with gleaming eyes.

My breath hitches in my throat and I pull on his hair to get him to kiss me again.

"Later," he mumbles. "I want to show you my bathroom and get something from the kitchen, I think I will need my energy to satisfy you, witch."

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