The Beginning pt. 2

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I add a silencing charm on my feet as I run up the stairs to the top of the Astronomy Tower, after this night the meaning of this place will always change. Why did it have to be here, even if it is kind of fitting. The place where I truly fell in love with Draco will be the place I will try to save him from a life filled with guilt.

I burst out on the top deck, standing in front of Draco. Albus is leaning against the wall, near the platform. I let my magic fill the room, feeling what traps are set, or who is here. I can feel him, I know Albus was not alone and Harry did not leave. He has a spell on him, preventing him from leaving. I don't look in his direction.

My wand is pointing at Dumbledore, clear what I will and can do.

"Hermione," the shock is clear in his voice.

"Good evening, Albus," my voice is cold and empty of emotions.

"Are you really prepared to do this?" he frowns, probably thinking about how real the chance is that I will actually do it.

"It is only a life," I tell him, matter of factly, because it is. His life is not worth more than the Muggle I killed at the end of summer. His life means even less to me, because he tried to kill me and is setting my brother up to die.

"You have killed someone before, haven't you?" his eyes widen, realizing he did not know this.

"So surprised, Albus?" I sneer.

"The Order can keep you both safe," he offers, and he sounds very genuine about it. It is the last thing he can offer, he knows I don't value his life.

"They can't," I counter. I asked for help multiple times and they decided that I was more useful as a Death Eater and spy for them.

"You two can run away, in protection and live normal lives," he is trying to manipulate me through Draco.

"Hermione," Draco whispers.

"We can't, Draco," I tell him, knowing I am harsh, but he doesn't know the Order of the Phoenix, they only do what is best for them and the Greater Good. That doesn't include hiding us, they will use us and we will be in even more danger than we currently are.

"Hermione, you are the smartest witch and Draco you both have so much potential. Use it for something good, help the world. Join the Order of the Phoenix, defeat Tom Riddle," Albus is really desperate.

I take a glance at his hand, it is black and dying, probably getting near to his heart. He will die anyway and very soon, matter of days. He knows that too. He is weak, old and cursed. He notices my stare, but remains silent. I hear footsteps coming towards the tower, there are multiple, I know they entered, stepped through the cabinet. He doesn't know that the school has been compromised, he doesn't know that the war will start with his death and that we will be leading it.

The footsteps are almost at the top of the stairs, but I don't share my knowledge. I don't move as someone lays a hand on my shoulder and I look up. The Dark Lord is standing next to me.

"Tom," Dumbledore gasps, taking in the young Tom Riddle instead of the old Lord Voldemort he fought in the Ministry of Magic. "How?"

"Her," he is smirking, clearly proud and not even angry that I am here instead of in the Great Hall.

"Hermione?" his gaze flicks to the ring, playing his part very convincingly. "You two?"

"Scared, old man?" Tom smiles, wickedly.

"What about your family?" he asks me.

"My Father is proud of me," I sneer, threatening him to not say a word more.

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