Trouble always finds him

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The classes fly by and before I know it we are having dinner again. After dinner they will reveal the candidates for the Triwizard Tournament. A lot of people put their names in the Goblet of Fire and I was pleased to see the twins at breakfast with a few streaks of gray still in their hair.

The conversation at the dinner table is all about the tournament, nobody knows what the tasks will be and people are guessing. Their ideas are outright crazy, there is no way that they would be so dangerous that the candidates could actually get killed!

I let my eyes wander over all the new students. I must admit that the outfits of the Beauxbatons students are nice, I like the blue color and it is very flowy. The Durmstrang students are always looking like they are angry. I passed Viktor a few times today and he is always followed by a group of girls swooning over him. Girls want to be with him and boys want to be him. I kind of pity him, it seems like there is not one moment that he is alone. I would simply go mad.

My eyes are again trapped by gazing gray eyes. Why is he staring at me again? This time I try to be bold and don't look away. I keep observing him. He is sitting at the Slytherin table, his elbow resting on the wood and his head is propped up on his hand. I can see a glint of his ring, I don't know why, but I am very drawn to his slender hands.

Today in class I noticed him touching the ring and turning it on his finger. He was staring straight ahead while doing it, so he didn't notice me watching him.

That makes this more intimate, we acknowledge that we are both observing each other in public. We have only spoken twice since the conversation after Mad-Eye's first class. He gave me a few of my favorite candies and an apology that he got angry at me. The rest of the conversation was easy after that, talking about the books we read during summer and else we did. The tables clear out and that snaps him out of his trance. I watch him shake his head a little and look away. He joins his friends in a conversation and turns his head away from me.

The Goblet of Fire is being brought in and the Headmaster stands next to it. "This is the moment we all have been waiting for," he announces. He stretches out his hand and with a wave all the flames in the Great Hall dim. The blue fire from the Goblet seems to be burning brighter than ever.

The Headmaster walks toward the Goblet with an outstretched arm and the fire reacts to him. The fire turns a pink hue and spits out a piece of parchment.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum," he announces.

The Durmstrang table goes wild, cheering and clapping. Viktor shakes the Headmasters hand and walks towards the Professors table to wait for the other candidates.

The Goblet emits a pink flame again and the next piece flies out, after the headmaster takes the paper, the flame turns blue again.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour."

She does the same as Viktor and joins him. I am wondering who will be the champion for Hogwarts, I did watch Cedric enter his name in the Goblet. He is really the only one I know who entered. If he wins it could give Hufflepuff a good name and Hogwarts of course.

The last piece of parchment flies out and the Headmaster snatches it out of the air. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

We all start clapping and cheering him on as he joins the others.

"Excellent!" the Headmaster roars with his arms spread wide. "We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup."

The cloth shoots off the cup, revealing its beauty. As I watch the cup I notice Professor Snape starting to look puzzled and stepping forward, towards the Goblet of Fire. The fire is growing bigger and spitting out smaller flames. Just like when Fred and George jumped in and threw in their names. Oh no! This can't be happening, it can't choose one of them to enter as well! Their names must have burned when the Goblet reacted like that, right?

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