New Tasks

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My back is against Draco's chest as we read a book in the Common Room, he is reading along with me. Theo and Blaise are sitting on the other couch, finding out who can levitate more books.

I sit up straight, Theo drops the books and Draco tenses up behind me.

"We need to go," Theo is the first one to recover.

"What do you mean?" Blaise asks, confused.

My arm is on fire, spreading towards my shoulder. "We are being summoned," I tell him and stand up.

I summon my cloak from the room, along with those of Draco and Theo.

"You have been summoned before?" Draco asks, shocked.

"Yes and I couldn't tell you. Follow me," I tell them and pull out my wand. Before pulling up my sleeve I glance around. Everyone is already in their dorms. I bare my mark and touch my wand to it. "Sequor," I announce clearly. I'm sucked into darkness.

I stumble in the empty hall of Malfoy Manor, Draco and Theo show up beside me. They push back their hair and we walk toward the dinner room, it is filled with Death Eaters, all wearing cloaks that touch the ground, with pointed hoods drawn up over their heads. Everyone is looking at us.

"Sit down next to your fathers," the Dark Lord demands.

We move quickly to the empty chairs, Severus is on my left and Lucius on my right. I keep my stare at the table, trying not to draw attention to myself. Everyone is still whispering to each other, probably waiting for someone to arrive.

"Did you get here alright?" Severus asks.

I look up, surprised. "Yes, I remember what you told me and showed the others what to do. I hope we were not too late, we came as quickly as we could."

"You did good."

We fall back into silence, I look around the room, people are frowning at me, but I'm not the same girl I was when I stood here on the table in only a shirt. The Death Eater is clenching his fist on the table, while glaring daggers at me.

A flare of anger shoots through me. "What the fuck you looking at," I snap at the man.

"You ain't a Slytherin, Mudblood," he sneers back.

I jump up, wand in my hand even though I feel my magic swirl around the tips of my fingers. "I'm not a dirty Mudblood," I say through gritted teeth. "Don't you dare to compare me to such filth."

Severus pulls me down. "Stop it! You too, Mulciber, you are talking to my daughter."

I slip my wand back into my cloak and when I am looking up the Dark Lord is standing behind Mulciber, his wand pressed to his neck.

"What did you just call her?" He asks calmly.

For a moment he doesn't respond but the Dark Lord presses harder. "Mudblood," he chokes out.

I watch them, curious as to what is about to happen.

"She is a Death Eater, sitting higher in rank than you, seeing as you are two chairs down from her. That means," he hisses. "She is better than you, more valuable than you."

The whole room falls silent, I didn't think the placement of my chair had any real meaning in a meeting like this.

"Everyone will soon find out anyway, but I have a plan and she is helping me realise it. She is expanding her power and look at her, her magic is too powerful to be contained in her body."

Everyone is looking at me and I feel my magic die down, pulling back. All these people wanted me dead not even a year ago. They probably still want me dead. I'm the only female in the group.

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