After All

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"On channel 6 news tonight," the report says. Tom holds Lily on his lap as she swings her legs against his for fun. "Matthew West has been arrested  under charges of forced sexual acts and non consensual drug use. These are against the actor-"

Tom dives for the remote to mute the TV, while still holding Lily in his arms so that she doesn't fall. 

"Tom Hiddleston."

Lily's eyes shoot up to the TV and she watches as they takes Matt out of a police car.

"Why'd they say your name, Daddy?" she asks, now staring at the TV for more information. He switches the channel until he finds a non-news network.

"Um... what are you talking about?" Tom replies.

"They showed that man and said your name. Why is he getting arrested?"

"Well, Lillian... he's a bad man and he was as being very man to Daddy."

"Can you be arrested for being mean?"

"You don't do anything close to why he's being arrested so don't worry. You have to be very, very, mean."

"Okay. I think I'm nice."

"You're very nice, my love.  Trust me, you will be never be that mean."

"I don't like that he was mean to you."

"Me either, Lils, but it's alright because he can never do it again."

"What if I punch him? Can I punch him?"

"Lillian, come on now. You know that we don't resort to violence."

"You said that he was very mean so it's okay to defend yourself."

"You're not defending yourself, Lillian, you're trying to defend me."

"Which is more of why I should punch him!"

Tom chuckles and brings Lily in, kissing the top of her head. "No violence, my dear daughter." Tom says. "Violence isn't the answer. You're a good girl, don't worry about anything."

"So what did he do that was mean?"

"Um... nothing that you need to worry about."

Molly quickly jogs down the stairs to her husband and daughter. "Thomas? A word?"

"Hold on, Lils,"

Tom gets up and meets his wife at the stairs. "Yes, dear?" Lily is laying in the couch, playing on her iPad.

"I just got a call from Officer Avers-"

"I know, Lily and I were watching the news."

"Lily? Does she know anything?"

"She just asked me why they said my name and I told her because Matt was being very mean. Then we went into a discussion about morals and how she's no where close to being anything like that and to not worry about being arrested for being mean. She doesn't know what he did. She heard the news but she wasn't paying attention and doesn't know what any of those words mean anyway."

"Alright. Um... tell her..." Molly let's out a sigh. "If she asks about it... just... just change the subject."

"She already asked."

"Not what it means. She can't know about something horrible like that, she's too young."

"I know, love, I know. She won't."

"Oh, what are we going to do when she finds out about happened? The day's going to come and I'm dreading it."

"We have to tell her the truth. If we're honest about it, she won't go looking for information, which will just make it worse."

"I know."

Molly bites her lip and takes Tom in her arms. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Last time you said that," she starts. "You ended up with an eating disorder and tried to kill yourself."

"It was worse then, Mols, really. I'm perfectly fine now."

"I hope so. If you need help, any at all... please, please, go back to Dr. Olsen. We have a child now, I can't have you trying to hurt yourself."

"I know. I won't, Molly. She's too important to me to risk anything."

"Good. How do you feel without drinking?"

"I feel good actually," Tom smiles, right through his teeth. "I'm so amazed on how easy it was to stop."

"Maybe your body just knew that you really didn't want to be doing it. I'm proud of you. He gave you a lot of different drugs and you've stayed clean. I love you so much, baby, I really do. You're everything to me, you and Lils."

"Oh, Molly, you both are everything to me too. I love you too."

Tom looks over at Lily, who's playing on her iPad. She's not paying any attention to her parents.

"I have to go use the restroom, I'll be right back."

Tom jogs up the stairs and goes into his closet. In his personal safe, he and Molly had their own while still sharing a separate one, and enters in the code.

He pulls out a bottle of vodka and puts his head back, drinking part of the bottle. Quickly, Tom shoves it into the safe and locks it, hiding it from Molly.

He didn't stop drinking after all.

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