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Molly walks into the police station, anger filling her eyes.

"How can I help you?"

"I need to see Officer Bailey, please."

"Of course, one moment."

Molly stands there for what seems like an eternity but it's actually only about 30 seconds long.

"Mrs. Hiddleston," Officer Bailey extends his hand. "I'm Officer Bailey. It's a pleasure."

"Where's my... Thomas?"

"He's being held right now, Ma'am. We wanted to talk to you a little bit first."

"How much is bail?"


"Can I write a check?"

"Yes but that's not why I wanted to talk to you. So normally under these conditions, we would revoke the license for two years and require substance abuse therapy. Due to your husband's medical past of being a patient multiple times at Oakwood institution, we're going to revoke his license for 6 months and he needs to attend substance abuse therapy for 12 weeks before the license renewal is even considered. They don't have to be every week but within that six months, we need 24 meetings. We also require a recommendation from your husband's therapist stating that he's no longer considered a danger to be on the road. If your husband has another therapist that he usually sees, a letter from them would also help his chances."

"Help his chances?"

"Since we're making the minimum 6 months and not 2 years, we need to be sure that Mr. Hiddleston is no danger to himself or others while operating a vehicle. I take no pride in revoking someone's license but the safety of everyone comes first."

"Of course, I totally understand."

"I'll let him know that you're here. Give the check to Ms. Ocha please."

"Of course."

Molly pulls out her checkbook and writes a check for $500.

Then, she sees Officer Bailey opening a door, letting Tom go ahead of him. Tom walks towards Molly, clearly not himself.

"You better be thankful that I feel bad for what I said because I was this close to letting you sit here."

"Should've let me." Tom snaps. "It'd be less miserable than being around you."

"I'll fucking leave you here."

"Mrs. Hiddleston," Officer Bailey says. "The uh, the bail is paid already, Ma'am."

"Can't you call him a cab?"

"I need to see my daughter."

"Not like this. You're not laying an eye on her until you clean up your act."


"I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave just because we have people to serve. I'll give you my card, alright?"

Tom takes the Officer's card and shoves it in his pocket.

"Come on," Molly groans as they walk out of the station.

Tom stumbles into the car, Molly slamming the door.

She lets out as a large sigh as she enters the car. "What the fuck?"

"What did you expect?"

"For you not to go get drunk at 10am and crash your car."

"Well I'm sorry, Molly, but I needed a drink."

Somebody That I Used To KnowWhere stories live. Discover now