Chapter 32

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It was time to go crazy with the hair. My death date was getting closer and closer and I wanted to forget about that for a while. I might as well do something daring with my hair whilst I have hair, hadn't I? I asked Jessica to come with me for support and to help me pick a colour. It was one of those 'close your eyes and point to a colour and we'll go with that' jobs. I was sat in the chair at the hairdressers, looking into the mirror in front of me.

I hadn't had a chance to look at myself much in the last couple of weeks; not that I'd want to. It only just came to me how ill I really looked. My face was pale and sunken, my hair dull and straw like. I felt as dull as a Monday morning. It never used to be like this, I used to love my hair and how it fell delicately from my scalp. The way it shined. I liked my skin tone and how I went rosy red whenever I ran. But this was different now. Quite frankly I hated myself. This was all going to change. This is why I was in this building, with a hairdresser now stood behind me, ready to snip away.

Jessica had offered to pay and no matter how many times I had tried to disagree with her, it wasn't happening. Honestly, I had given up with arguing about things like that, she was always going to win the discussion and so I didn't bother. Whatever Jessica opposed, I'd go with. And most of the time they were good choices.

So anyway, there we were. ''I heard you were going with a random colour?''

''That would be correct.'' I nodded, as best as I could as she combed my hair.

''Well then, what colour is it?'' She quizzed, coming across rather excited.

I looked to Jessica and she smiled cheesily. Oh, I'd do anything to have a smile half as sweet as that.


An hour later and the hairdresser looked content with her masterpiece. I wasn't facing a mirror, so this was going to be a complete surprise. I stood up and she lead me into the waiting area, to where Jessica was flicking through the pages of magazine.

''Woah,'' she whispered under her breath. Oh god, I looked bad, didn't I?

''Does it look ok? What colour is it? I swear if you've made me look like some weirdo Jessica, then I'll be sleeping in your double bed tonight, and you can have the sofa!'' Can you tell I was nervous?

''See for yourself,'' she replied, grabbing a mirror and passing it to me.

I held the mirror in front of my face and I didn't recognise the person who looked back at me. She was moving the same way as I did, but it couldn't have possibly been me.

My long brown hair was chopped to midway down my back. Delicate curls fell from my head and the colour was different and exciting. Blue. My hair was dip-dyed. The top was dark blue and the bottom was a neon sky blue. It was eye catching and looked completely different to what it did before, which is why I liked it. I was a new person. The long hair which cascaded was now cut short. I felt free.

If this was me, then the hairdresser had done a good job! Jessica hadn't taken her eyes off of me since I walked in, it made me blush. ''Are you sure it looks ok? Not... Weird?'' Jessica threw the Jaffa Cake she was eating at my face.

''Don't make me throw the rest of them, Emelia. I don't want to waste perfectly good food.'' She had her serious face on, she meant business.

''Sorry. But please don't attack me with the heavenly goodness that are Jaffa Cakes, you nearly had my eye out!'' I tried to stay serious too, it wasn't working. How could you possibly stay serious whilst saying that sentence?

We thanked the hairdresser, paid them and then left. Jessica was driving home and I really didn't trust her, if she was going to carry on staring at me in the way that she had been. I didn't find it awkward, I was just curious as to why she was doing it. ''What are you looking at, Jessica?'' I asked, the both of us getting into the car.

''The beauty that is my girlfriend,'' she replied, being very open.

''I'm not that beautiful, really,'' I disagreed, not wanting her to compliment me in a way that wasn't true. I put my seatbelt on, looking away from her- she was still staring when I looked back.

''You are though. Your eyes, I've never seen anything like them.''

''Well for an international pop star, you don't get out much then, do you?''

I laughed more at my own joke than I should have done. But in all honesty, she made me feel beautiful. It's beautiful to feel beautiful. I just hoped she knew how beautiful she was, too.

''I get lost in your eyes and I never want to find a way out, Emelia.''

''The maze that lies within my eyes is crazy and if you must get lost in there, I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope you brought food.'' I guess it started off cute, right?!

I had gone around for the last couple of years drowning my head in sorrow. Feeling lonelier than a single coin in a money box, waiting for some companionship. It's funny who can stroll into your life and make you see the stars when before everything was cloud covered.  It's beautiful knowing you mean the world to someone; someone who is your world. Happiness is a choice, and you have to make it. I'm so thankful to Jessica for introducing it to me.

A/N: I have had so much work, I apologise. I'll try and find some time to write so you guys can have an update sooner. I also want to finish another fanfic and then upload it; I haven't got very far in yet, but I really like it and want to share it with you lovely people!


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