Chapter 42

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This really wasn't the place that I wanted to die. Jessica had left an hour ago and hadn't returned. I was beginning to believe I would be dying alone. Seconds later my faith was restored. Jessica came into the room that she had specifically requested for me. She carried a suitcase and some carrier bags full to the brim. I got emotional as soon as I saw she came back for me. "Where have you been? I thought you'd left me, I thought you staying with me until the end was too good to be true." The hint of anger that was surfacing luckily started to bury itself again. My eyes began to water and Jessica had to stop me from crying.

"Emelia, no! I'm sorry I just left for so long, I brought you some... Memories."

Jessica approached me cautiously and emptied the carrier bags, which were full of pillows, polaroids and coffee candles. She positioned the pillows around me and despite the pain, I felt more at home. "What's all of this about, J?"

"I wanted to help in some way. It's not fair to see you like this and not being able to take the pain away." She searched inside the bag and brought out polaroids, which she scattered out in front of me.

"What do you mean?"

"Wait a minute,'' she interrupted me as she pulled out two, big brown Yankee candles, followed by a lighter. "They're coffee scented."

"Babe, stop. You'll get kicked out. I need you to stay," I stated, as she sparked up a flame.

"No-one has to know. Besides, I don't want you to forget what things were like before they got worse."

We embraced a moment of silence as the wick began to flicker. The smell of coffee filled the sterile air and overwhelmed my senses. "The coffee shop. The coffee shop where I wrote to mum... And where I first laid my eyes on you."

"Emelia, I get lost in your eyes and I never want to find a way out."

"Well, you won't be able to when my eyes close."

Jessica glared at me as we both knew neither of us wanted to go there. Not yet.

She pulled the chair closer to my side, and placed the small suitcase on it, before unzipping it. What looked like a poster was pulled out of the case, a rubber band keeping it together being rolled off by Jessica's delicate fingers. "You're not seriously giving me a signed poster of you, are you, Jessica? Is this what you do for all of your fans?"

"Shush, you! Last time I checked, I don't kiss fans like this, especially like this."

Within seconds, her soft lips were touching mine, enticing me. I wanted more... But we were in hospital, and I was dying.

She unrolled the poster and it was revealed to be a map of the world. Each corner was blue tacked to the white wall. She picked up a polaroid picture and stuck it over where Africa was situated on the map. I had the cutest girlfriend. Wait... I have the cutest girlfriend.

"Remember when we went to Africa?" She searched the case for two mini shampoo bottles. "And we planned to give these to the malnourished children."

"Yeah," I spoke.

"And someone left them in the hotel room," She sarcastically commented.

"I was on camera duty."

"Well I was issuing out water!"

As more polaroids were stuck to the map, more memories were exchanged. "Now you won't have to sit in an empty big white room."

"Jessica... Was that a pun?"

The bear replicas that we made together were reminding us of that day, where things were a lot simpler. Although the memory was simple, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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