Chapter 35

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~Emelia's POV~

It would have been cute to say that after the meal, we took a slow walk back and then laid in bed together. But that wasn't the case. You see, Jessica and I got a tad drunk and ended up having other plans.

''Are you sure you want to do this, Emelia? It's going to be very cold.'' She slurred her words slightly as we held onto each other for support.
''Yeah, of course I am. It's on the list and I'm in the frame of mind for doing this sort of thing.'' We weren't so drunk that we couldn't even remember our names, we had some sort of control of ourselves.

We were walking along the beach, our shoes in our hands as we felt the sand between our toes. Even though I hated feet, right now, it didn't matter. Jessica grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a pile of rocks. It was very dark and this part of the beach was quiet. We dropped our belongings and stripped down until we could feel the slight breeze hit our bare skin.

I didn't care if the people at the bar half a mile away down the beach could see me. I was with the love of my life and we were about to go skinny dipping. You could say the alcohol got to us a little bit. It was all very spontaneous. Jessica whisked me into her arms which made me squeal. She ran into the sea, causing me too shriek as the water splashed up at me. She ran quite far, so we were kind of deep. Our laughter filled the silence and I felt wonderful.

She dropped me.

She bloody dropped me into the water! I soon surfaced, wiping my hair away from my face. ''Well I'm glad you found it funny,'' I said, shocked that that had just happened.
''Come on, it was hilarious.'' I stood there watching her cackling before coming to the conclusion that karma would have to make an appearance.

I rugby tackled her - as well as I could in the sea. She fell backwards under the water, with me on top of her. I hope she held her breath.

''A little birdy told me that karma comes back around.''
''And you'll be the one that's hurting when I flick you.''

Surprisingly, she found it funny, and didn't do the same to me. We giggled and messed around for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

She put her hand on the back of her head and went underwater, determined to be the best shark she could be. Honestly, she was so weird sometimes. ''Bravo. It's a pity we don't have the intro to Masterpiece handy to play.''

Jessica was all set to go for a little swim, but I held onto her ankle and yanked her towards me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and we floated shallower, gazing into each other's eyes. I swiftly took her lips against mine and we shared a long and meaningful kiss. I needed one of those.

I was intoxicated. Intoxicated with love.

I felt free and it was beautiful. So was she. We created fun memories together before I pulled her out of the water and behind the collection of rocks. We somehow put our clothes back on without falling over. Considering it was Hawaii, it didn't matter that we were wet, we'd dry pretty soon anyway.

The alcohol was wearing off now, and Jessica and I were holding hands, strolling along the deserted beach. Everything was tranquil and the sun was sleeping. Jessica looked into the distance and my eyes followed hers. There were bright lights, which caught both of our eyes. Hand in hand, we followed them.

It was bizarre that although we were in the same place, a couple of miles away, everything was quiet. Yet here, the world was so... Alive. I had my head resting on Jessica's shoulder, as our feet led us to a tattoo parlour. I glanced at my wrist and luckily, the writing had only faded a little.

We both took a seat on some booths, awaiting the arrival of the tattoo artist. Jessica handed the money over and my face formed a smile once again. The artists were soon getting to work. The permanent ink sinking into my skin. Usually people would say it was painful. But if you're a bit drunk and have experienced the pain I have; it's a minor issue.

If I'm completely honest with you, I can't really remember a lot about it. All I can tell you is that when we awoke the next morning, with my hands tangled up with hers; our almost matching tattoos looked unbeatable.

A/N: I know this is short but I wanted to update as quickly as possible. Sorry for any mistakes!

This is for the girl I follow on my Instagram. The one who has a fan account and appeared on my feed. She started up a personal account which I requested to follow earlier this evening and I found out that she also reads my stuff. Stay strong beautiful, you can do this. I know you can.

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