Chapter 22

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We weren't staying here for long, as after tonight we were jetting off to Australia; ticking another thing off of the bucket list, to see a waterfall, ticking off something else, too. It was all very stop and start but if Emelia was happy then so was I.

Like I said, I was taking Emelia out for a meal tonight. As we were sharing a room, there was only one bathroom. I let Emelia have a shower first, because I figured she'd spend longer getting ready. She'd panic about what to wear, whereas I'd have everything planned out. There's nothing like being organised now, is there?

I laid on the large soft double bed which we shared, scrolling through my Instagram feed. I hadn't posted for a day or so because we were flying over here. I figured it was time I did, before rumours started spreading about me passing away. Yes, people were crazy like that.

I snapped a quick selfie and captioned it with 'The sun is setting, and it's going to be a great night #Bahamas'. It was a good job we weren't staying for a long time really, by the time the press found out exactly where we were, we'd be off on an adventure again. Exploring the world, me and her. I heard the water from the shower stop flowing and sooner or later Emelia exited the bathroom, smiling sweetly at me as she did.

We didn't say anything to each other, we were both independently getting ready. As secretly as we could, sharing the same room of course. I gathered my clothes for the evening and took them into the bathroom with me. I decided that I'd get dressed in here so that what Emelia and I wore would be a surprise. I couldn't resist singing in the shower as I washed. It's just something everyone does, isn't it?

I wasn't sure how long Emelia was going to be exactly, and I didn't want to keep her waiting. I washed my hair quickly and dried myself so I could start dressing up. Recently, I had settled on wearing a blue play suit, with my blue suede boots. They both matched, so this was going to be a good night! My hair was growing quite quickly now, it was more or less around shoulder length. Alisha wasn't here so I was left to fend for myself. I brushed it out and dried it with the hair-dryer a little. This made the bathroom very hot, considering we were in the Bahamas, but it had to be done. I had it in soft curls, which made it look more elegant.

Make up was next on my agenda. I had tried doing winged eye-liner a bit and judging from the selfies posted on Instagram, people seemed to like it. I hoped Emelia would, too. It made my green eyes look even bigger than they already were! My skin was pretty clear, thankfully, so lots of foundation or blusher wasn't needed. Gone are the days of half a pot of blusher on my face, I looked like a doll.

I looked at the bathroom clock and I hadn't been there for too long. One spray of Armani Diamonds later, and I was out of the bathroom, awaiting Emelia's entrance from the balcony, where she was stood. It didn't look like she had heard me leave the bathroom, so she patiently waited on the balcony. The see-through curtains blew gently in the soft breeze, so I could see Emelia. From the back she looked astounding, so how good could she look from the front?!

I tip toed silently towards the balcony, avoiding startling her. She turned around slowly and smiled at me. She looked amazing. Her hair was put up into a tight bun with a few ringlets falling around her face, complimenting the silver dangley earrings she had in. Her make up was light and complimented her skin tone. She wore an emerald green cocktail dress and covered her arms with a cardigan, which also complimented her outfit choice. Everything complimented everything else and she looked gorgeous.

''We scrub up quite well, don't we, Jess?''

''If we do say so ourselves.'' I replied, giggling a little.

''What do you say, let's go and get hammered?!'' Now that wasn't what I was expecting to hear from someone with terminal cancer, but that was something I loved about Emelia. She never failed to surprise you.

Me being the motherly figure I am, informed her that that wasn't the best idea she'd ever had, we eventually, after a little persuasion on my part, voted against it.

We headed out to a small restaurant by the beach. We both wanted to walk there so we proceeded although it got dark by the time we arrived. It was now 9pm, so it was going to be a late evening meal. We went all out and had a 3 course meal because I was determined to get Emelia to try lots of exotic, fancy food. And I was right, she loved it.

This restaurant was adorable. It was very small and rather quiet. It was owned by this elderly Chinese couple who gave the both of us special treatment all evening. Compliments were given by the both of them and Emelia and I felt blessed. They treated us like we were their grandchildren and it almost felt like they were family. The dishes were home made by the woman and her husband served us. They sat in the corner of the room whilst we ate, cooing at us quite regularly. We even hugged them as we left. Both Emelia and I agreed on giving them a massive tip, they deserved it; working their arses off for us!

The gentle stroll back to the hotel was peaceful. We just enjoyed each others company and nothing needed to be said. Although having said that, the atmosphere walking back was different. It was like we both had things that we needed to get off of our chest, but we just couldn't.


''Yeah, Emelia?''

''You can head on in and get a movie set up ready to watch, I'm going to sit outside for a bit. I need to write to mum.''

''Ok sure, I'll see you in a bit. Bye.'' I said, departing from Emelia, heading inside as she took a seat on the steps, at the side of the hotel.

It was a 'Mean Girls' kind of night.

~Emelia's POV~

Dear Mum,

I'm so glad that you wrote me that letter. Taking on your advice and exploring the world, achieving the things on my bucket list feels good and I can't thank you enough. I want you to know that I miss you. You were the only person I was ever really close to, and now having Jess here, well...

I don't know how to put it. I can't get the words out of my mouth. If you were here, in physical form- you could do it right for me. You were always good at reading my mind and making me feel better.

I'm going to try and explain. This won't be easy for me to admit, but here we go.

My days left here are whittling down all too quickly for my liking. I want to make the most of them. People think I am, by completing my list, but there's much more to it than that. Achieving my dreams feels good, whilst you're doing it. But when I am laying there, breathing my last breaths, I want to feel content. I want that warm feeling you get in your heart and stomach when you can finally say that you're happy. I want that. I'm not afraid to say that's what I want any more.

I'm afraid to admit what will make me feel that way. It's Jess. I love her, mum. There, I said it. I love her. But our chance has gone, and it wasn't the right time. If I can't have that wish come true, I'll accept just knowing her. I'll be eternally grateful for that on its own.

I just really, really love her.

A/N: In a deep mood so I made Emelia's entry deep. I hope you've all had a great weekend. Don't forget to smile this week, even if school/work is proving to be hard. It's ok not to be ok, we're all in this together ;)

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