Chapter 29

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~Emelia's POV~

As soon as Jess said ''Right, handstands!'' I knew I was going to regret putting it on my bucket list. I thought it was going to be one of those 'do it once a day and you'll get there eventually' things, but Jess had a different idea. She was planning to start the day not being able to do one, and end the day with me doing them in my sleep.

She dragged me off of the sofa and into her garden. ''If I break something, I swear I will sue you.''

''Of course you would.''

''No, Jessica. I'm being serious. I shall actually sue you.'' I grabbed her hand as she looked at me. I wasn't joking.

''Well if you don't listen and do what I say then I can't be blamed for you busting a hip.'' She hit me with her own hip and I nearly went flying. Obviously I styled it out. I'm talented like that.

''Hmmm,'' I said through a forced smile. Go on then. Teach me how to do one.''

Jessica ran to the other side of garden, as I sat on her patio watching her. ''It's simple really. It's all about getting the momentum and supporting your body. We need to make sure your arm muscles are working, drop down and give me twenty.''

''Twenty what?'' My face was blank, I didn't understand.

''Press ups.''

''Um, I can't do that.'' I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. I was suddenly in the mood to mess around, but she was acting like a teacher.

''Of course you can, there's no such thing as can't.''

''Are you really going to make me?''

''Yes,'' she clearly stated, like what I was asking was complete nonsense.

''But you love me?''

''Your point is...'' My mouth fell open and my hand found its way to my chest. This resulted in her laughing and doing a handstand, just to show off.

''Fine, but don't stare at my bum.''

I found the energy from somewhere to do fifteen press ups. My arms were hurting and Jess let me off after I pouted at her. ''Tell me truthfully, was there point in doing that?''

''It was more for my benefit, but you'll get over it. Right, I think you're ready,'' I stood up and brushed some grass off of my top (from where I collapsed after the first three press ups). ''What I'm going to get you to do, is to put both hands on the ground and kick one leg up behind you, just one.''

''What's this going to help with?''

''Momentum. You need it so you can lift both of your legs up.''

''Ok, here we go.'' I did exactly what she told me and other than a bit of a head rush, it was fine. I heard her clapping as I recovered.

''Now, I want you to do exactly what you just did, but lift both legs off. You don't have to go high, just a little off of the ground so you know how it feels,'' she explained.

I took a little run up and did a 'mini handstand'. I was quite proud of myself, although Jess gave me an 'eh' look, making it seem quite... mediocre. She was very hard to please at times. Without a doubt, I knew she was going to make me do a proper handstand now. I almost at to psyche myself up for it.

''Right, so--'' I cut her off by just going for it. It saved her from asking, you know? I can't say it went to plan. I all seemed OK as I hoisted my legs above my head, but everything soon went pear shaped. My balance was clearly off centre, gravity making me fall. I tried to break my landing by putting my arm down so I wouldn't fall as hard. However this didn't really work, my legs landed on me and I face planted the ground. You've got to love a face full of grass, haven't you?

Jess being the kind and supportive girlfriend she is, burst into laughter. I laid there for a moment or two, the pain getting to me. It wasn't exactly hurting, but my legs now ached. To be honest with you, I was surprised Jessica hadn't ended up on the floor next to me either. She was cackling so much, it was a shock that her limbs didn't give up on her, making her end up in a lump on the ground.

''Ow,'' I murmured, not wanting to open my mouth properly because I didn't want to eat grass. Seaweed wasn't my thing, so grass wasn't either.

''That was hilarious. You looked so good at first, but... but, your legs were over to one side and so you fell.'' She clapped and laughed, clearly finding this immensely funny.

''Well I'm glad someone enjoyed it,'' I sarcastically retorted, after she had stopped giggling.

''Oh believe me, it made my day.''

''I fell flat on my face,'' I said flatly. Nearly as flat as my face was on the ground.

''You're still working on this masterpiece, baby. Come on, let's try it again.''

Using her song lyrics against me. ''Smooth, Jessica. Real smooth.''

The sun had now set, but we weren't heading back inside until I could do three good handstands in a row. I couldn't even do one for a while, but then I managed to get the knack of it. Jessica being the judge of them meant one thing, I was going to be sick of handstands at the end of this. Don't get me wrong, I love how persistent she can be, but when you're the one doing it and she's got you doing fifteen handstands in a minute; you learn to hate persistence rather quickly.

''Right, I know you're going to do it this time, three more, come on!'' She exclaimed, cheering me on.

''You've said that the last twenty.''

''Yeah, but I know you're going to do it this time.'' She was swaying on the spot, getting excited for this set of three.

''And how many times have you said that?!'' I whispered to myself as I took my run up.

''Yes! That was good, come on, another two and we can go inside.'' She clapped frantically, getting way to excited.

''Netflix with hot chocolates?''

''Netflix with hot chocolates,'' she confirmed, serious as hell. Now I was determined.

''I'm holding you to that.'' I yelled as I did my second handstand.

''Yes Emelia, you freaking slay.'' Honestly, I didn't know how she was so hyper. We'd been outside all afternoon- and I was upside down for half of it!

I did my third and final handstand. Yes, I said final. I didn't care if it was crap, I was going inside. I was prepared to go against Jess if it meant I could rest my body and sit on the sofa for the rest of the evening. Although saying that, I did try. After all, it was on my bucket list and I'd only be cheating myself if I didn't learn how to do them. I screamed with happiness as Jessica confirmed that the handstand was amazing.

Why was I screaming? Because 25% of me was happy I could finally do a handstand. 75% of me was ecstatic that it was Netflix time. It's all about the priorities in life, isn't it?

I sighed deeply, content that I had done something productive today. My girlfriend brings out the best in me. ''Bagsy Orange Is The New Black!'' Jessica shouted, doing cartwheels into the house. To be completely honest with you, no matter how much I love her, she's a right little show off.

''Only if these hot chocolates that you're making come with sprinkles.''

A/N: I've never actually watched 'Orange Is The New Black'... Please don't kill me.

I'll update at the weekend, maybe before if I have time. Thanks for reading :)

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