Chapter 39

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~Emelia's POV~

"So, Emelia. What on your bucket list would you like to do next?" She leant against the counter top as I chopped vegetables for tonight's tea.

"I don't know, there's something on there I kind of want to change."

"Change?" She gasped. "You want to change the bucket list?!" She said it like it was a crime, but she was only messing around with me.

"Not change it, just, I don't know. Edit it, perhaps?" Trying to find a loop hole wasn't going very well.

"Dude, that's still changing it."

"Fine, you're right, I want to change it."

"It's your bucket list, you can do what you want." She jumped onto the counter top and pushed the chopping board and vegetables to one side, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"I want to experience a meteor shower. I want to stay up and star gaze with you," I explained, putting my hands on her waist.

"I'm listening..."

"Well, I wrote scavenger hunt on the list, but that was because I wanted to go on a massive hunt and everything. In reality, I don't think that'll be possible with my current and ongoing state."

"Don't let the cancer get the best of you, Emelia." She frowned at me, as if it was the cancer changing my mind, and not myself.

"No, honestly. I've always wanted to do this, and it would make me happier than a scavenger hunt ever would."

"This is why we don't write in pen, Emelia," she said, hopping down from the side and heading to the cupboard to find some Tipp-Ex. She came back with some rather quickly, sitting back on the side and loosening the lid. "Now you're sure you want to do this?" She raised her eyebrows, making fun of me by making this sound like a big deal.

"Surer than I'll ever be."

She gently used the correction fluid to erase the words 'scavenger hunt'. As it was drying, the time was spent by me and Jessica kissing. It wasn't long, I promise! I wrote in pen: 'Star gazing'. It was official, the list had been changed and we would be star gazing tonight.

Of course, I wasn't just asking for a meteor shower and hoping out of the blue there would be one. It had been scheduled for that night and Jessica and I were just going to sleep through it, but not any more. We cooked our tea together, chopping the vegetables, boiling them, and blending them to make a lovely vegetable soup. When I say 'together', I had to tell Jessica a couple of times that it was meant to be a romantic thing to do together. I repeat, together. It worked once or twice, but when it got to blending, she insisted this was her job. I left her to it, preparing blankets, flasks of tea, hot water bottles, pillows and snacks for our night in the garden.

We ate our dinner on the sofa, in front of the TV. I sat on Jess' lap as we slurped the soup through straws. Original, I know. Jessica flicked through some music channels, skipping it whenever the woman herself made an appearance. I can't explain how weird it is seeing my girlfriend on TV. It's something I will definitely never get used to.

We washed up quickly, eagerly wanting to get outside and look at the sky. Fifteen minutes later and that's what we were doing. We were laying on a picnic blanket in the middle of the garden. Our hands were linked and I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I looked up at the sky.

The midnight blue sky was lit up, as dashes of light filled the sky. I didn't know where to look. Every part of the sky had streaks and streaks of this light covering it. It was like a visible glowing rainstorm. The perfect rain storm. Shooting stars soaring through the night sky. It was as if they were all racing each other, seeing who can shine the brightest and the longest. If the sky was a canvas, the painter would be a child. Recklessly filling every empty gap with random scribbles of beauty. Covering the canvas with sparkles and glitter and anything that would glisten in the dark. As one streak faded and fizzled away, another struck and took its place. I could have made wishes on these shooting stars, but there were so many and I only have a few wishes. I'd tell, but they have to be kept a secret or they won't happen.

This was better than any firework show, ever. I couldn't keep up with the amount of shooting stars I could see. Everything was taking my breath away. Ok, I shouldn't have used that expression! Who knew the planet we lived on could be so naturally beautiful? This was way better than any scavengerhunt could possibly be.

I looked to my side and saw Jessica smiling at the sky. Her eyes were shining and I could literally see stars in her eyes. It felt great being able to say that. She looked more beautiful than ever, if that was even possible. I leant into her and cupped her cheek with my hand. I kissed her passionately, savouring this moment. We shared a spectacular kiss, as a meteor shower was taking place around us. It was like something out of a book or a film. However, whilst I was kissing Jessica,the shower was kind of forgotten.

And I thought the stars were beautiful.

A/N: This is one of my favourite chapters. Opinions?

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