Chapter 5

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We stayed at the café from about 11am-5pm. That's a long time to spend in a coffee shop I know. But Jim understood what was happening and he seemed quite content with our plans. We ate lunch there, Jess ordering half of the menu because she 'gets hungry very easily' and 'needs the food because it keeps her going' and it 'gives her the energy to sing'. It was all quite sweet really. I opted for a cheese toastie because Jim made them really well.

''Can I walk you home?'' Jess murmured, almost too shy to ask me louder.

''That would be cool.''

So she did. We talked some more, about shitty things that didn't matter, like 'why is the sky blue?' or 'what did people do before the light bulb was invented?' And I couldn't have asked for a nicer friend.

''And here we are.'' I stated, stopping by my gate which let into the small front garden.

''Here we are,'' she confirmed, smiling.

''I had a lot of fun today, thank you for persuading me to make friends. I can't believe someone like you came into my life.'' I sounded like a right cheeseball, but she needed to know I was grateful.

''That's ok. I'm happy I met you too. I love meeting new people and you're a very nice person.''

''Would you like to come in?'' I asked, hesitant.

She nodded and I led her into my home.

''Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?''

''I think I've had enough to drink for today.''

''That's what spending the entire day in coffee shops do to you.'' I joked, laughing.

''I suppose so.'' She agreed with me, putting her bag down on the sofa and placing her hoodie over the chair.

''I'm just going to get into something more comfortable a minute. Sit down and make yourself at home.''

I ran upstairs and got into my jogging bottoms and vest top. This only took me a minute or two, but I regretted the whole 'running' part. I fell onto my bed and sat there for a couple of minutes, trying to catch my breath. Running took the energy out of me and I didn't even think about it. I took the oxygen mask which I kept at the side of my bed and placed it over my face. The oxygen raced into my lungs and I started to feel better.

I wanted Jess to think I was normal and I didn't want to scare her away. She's amazing and I couldn't find anyone as special as her even if I tried. Even if I had only known her for like, 2 days. It's been the most amazing two days I've had in a very long time. I walked sensibly down the stairs to join Jess in my living room. She seemed to be looking through my notebook. ''What have you got there Jessica?''

She looked up and watched me as I sat down next to her. ''Oh, sorry I wasn't trying to be nosey I just didn't know what to do whilst you were gone.''

''Oh no, it's fine, don't worry! What is it?''

'' 'My bucket list'.''

''That's cringy. Don't read that.''

Jess glanced at me but carried on reading.

''30 things I want to do, b, bef, before I die...'' She struggled to get her words out, as I pounced on her, wrestling with her, in attempt to retrieve my notebook.


''Emelia, please. It's cute.'' She admitted, passing me my notebook.

''I just want to spend my time wisely, that's all.'' I shrugged my shoulders, trying not to make it sound like a big deal.

''And that's very wise of you. People spend years of their lives wasting their time, when really they should be out making the most of it.''

''Can I look at the list?''

''I guess.'' I whispered, giving the notebook back to her, as she held out her hand.

The Bucket List

30 things I want to do before I die...

Shopping spree

Boat ride

Picnic in London





Visit Australia

Swim with dolphins


Hot air balloon ride

Visit a malnourished village in Africa


Write a song

Pull off denim on denim

Make people smile

Hand out flowers to random people

Sightsee everything in London

Go to a big music festival

Helicopter ride

Visit a waterfall

New York


Learn a foreign language

Spend an entire day baking


Scavenger hunt


Go skinny dipping

Be happy

She skimmed over my wishes and gave me the list back. ''I have to say, you picked some good things to do. When are you starting?''

''I'm not sure yet, what's the rush?''

The rush was cancer. There was a massive rush. I needed to do these things quickly. I wanted to die happy and to have made the most of life. A lot of bad things had happened in my life, and I wasn't going to let them knock me down. I was determined.

The only thing was... I couldn't tell Jess that there was a rush. And that was killing me more than the cancer.

A/N: When do you want the next update? It's already written :)

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