Chapter 3

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We just made some small talk and I just laughed that statement off. I wasn't going to tell Jessie about the cancer. There was no need. We weren't going to see each other again so she didn't need to know. It was just a little conversation that was made by two strangers. Nothing more, nothing less. Like I said, we wouldn't be seeing each other again. ''So when will I be seeing you again?''

Wait what?

''Come again?''

''I said when will I be seeing you again?''

I remained quiet, unsure of what to say.

''Oh come on, you can't seriously tell me that you have no friends, about your traumatic life and then say we won't see one another again.''


''Emelia, please?''

''But...'' I tried my best to get her to realise that I didn't want to see her again. As harsh as that sounds. I'm sure she's a lovely person, but why would I need friends? I'm only going to leave them anyway.

''Please please pleaseeeee? Just give it a shot.''

''What, making friends?'' I scoffed.

''Yes.'' she stressed, she then took hold of my hand and smiled sweetly at me. ''Please Emelia? I'd love to be your first proper friend.''

''Jessie J would like to be my first proper friend?'' I questioned, sighing at how stupid that sounded.

''No, Jessie J doesn't. But Jessica Cornish does.''

I bit my lip and conjured up a plan. ''Tomorrow. Here. 11am.'' I smirked, trying to hide my smile. She squealed whilst holding onto my hand and jumping up and down a little bit. ''Woah, calm down Jessie, it's not like you've won gold or anything.'' I smiled, trying not to laugh at how happy she was.

''Yeah, I think I did.'' she grinned at me and winked. Well that was cheesy. But I liked it. It was like the tasty expensive cheese you can buy, the good kind.

We stood there for a while, looking at each other. I guess in a way I was sort of happy that she'd been so persistent. I was glad that she wanted to be my friend because honestly, it can get really lonely at times. The cancer sends out a warning signal and everyone runs off, alarmed. It felt good to know that I could get to know her. I didn't want to know Jessie J, I wasn't interested in her.

''Quite the charmer, aren't you?'' I teased, coming out of my shell more than I ever thought I would.

''I'll see you tomorrow Emelia.''

''You too, Jessie. You too.''

And with that she went, probably off to some important meeting or to the studio or something special like that. I took out my diary and wrote the rest of my entry to Mum, before thanking Jim and heading off to Nana's.

It wasn't much of a walk, we live within walking distance of each other and I liked to take some time out and set my mind free on my walks there. I had my own key made in case of emergencies, and mainly because she was old, so I let myself in. ''It's only me Nana, where are you?'' I called out, shutting the front door behind me and checking for mail on the floor. I picked the letters up and listened out for her reply.

''In the living room, deary.'' She replied, her quiet voice only just reaching my ears.

I entered the room and found my Nana stood on a chair with a feather duster trying to reach a cobweb in the corner of the room. ''Nana, what are you doing?!'' I ran over to her and helped her down. ''You could have fallen and broken something.''

''There's a cobweb and it's annoying me. I'm quite alright Emelia, no need to worry.''

''Pass me the duster and I'll do it for you.'' I may have cancer, but I can still try my best to put energy into the things I do.

I got rid of the cobweb and sat down on the sofa with Nana. Walking here and climbing onto the chair to reach the cobweb drained a lot of energy. Some days were better than others and I figured today the illness was being difficult. I needed to sit down and get my breath back. ''Are you ok Emelia?'' Nana asked.

''Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath and sit down for a bit.''

''Can I get you anything? A drink perhaps?''

''No, I'm good thank you, I'll be back to my usual self soon enough.''

That's the thing. My usual self wasn't much better than this. But oh well, you find ways to get over yourself and come to terms with the fact that people in the world have it much worse. Think about the people in foreign countries with no water, no food or no shelter. They're the reason I don't dwell on myself a lot.

I spent the evening with her, making sure she was ok. I hadn't seen her for a couple of days, so I stayed a while. She's not hopeless, it's just that you get worried with the elderly, don't you? You don't want them to die doing something so simple. She's 76 and small, with a heart of gold. There wasn't much else to it. Other than my Granddad died 10 years back. I helped her get dressed into her nightie and tucked her into bed. ''I shall see you soon Nana, have a good sleep. I love you.''

''Goodbye Emelia, get home safely.''

When I got home, it was around 8pm. Why it is elderly people always go to bed early and wake up at the crack of dawn, I'll never know. I got ready for bed myself and curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea. The TV was showing a documentary about someone flying abroad and finally getting something that they had wished for. Almost like a wish list, or a bucket list. Hmmm...

A/N: If you like this, please share it with every Heartbeat that you know! It would mean the world to me. Also, you can follow me on Twitter and ask me anything- @objessedgirl :)

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