Chapter 28

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We were on our way into the village, and I was setting up my camera. Jessica thought I was just filming it so there would be memories, but that was wrong. I wanted to edit it and put it on her YouTube channel. I knew that this visit was going to be full of emotions.

Everyone was hopping off of the minibus and heading for some shade on the other side of the road. I pointed the camera to myself and began recording. ''It's a Friday and we're visiting a malnourished African village, Jessica is still asleep,'' I turned the camera to her face so I got a good view of her frowning as she slept. ''So I'm going to wake her up and carry on filming when I'm off of the bus!''

It was like a little documentary and it's fair to say I was enjoying it a lot. I kissed Jessica's neck softly and she awoke. ''Well that put me in a good mood.'' I smirked and giggled into her neck.
''Get up you lazy bitch! We're all getting off of the bus.''
''Don't blame me for being tired, neither of us got a lot of sleep last night, don't you remember?'' She winked. Having only been awake a few moments, she didn't delay in being cheeky.
''Oh I remember. Come on, we're going to see some cute little children.'' I stood up and squished past her, Jessica tapping me on the bum as I got my video camera ready.

We were sat at the back of the bus so I made my way down the isle. ''And stop staring at my arse!'' I called back to her from the front. The road was quiet for as far as I could see, so I stood in the middle of the road and turned the camera on. Jessica elegantly walked down the few steps and I made sure the camera made her look good. My assistance wasn't really needed because she was so photogenic anyway.

The crew had sort of gathered that we became an item last night, so we didn't have to say anything. I suppose that made life a lot easier! And no- one had said anything to us about it yet, and I don't know if that was good or bad.

''Can you please stop looking good? It harms my self esteem.'' I moaned, forgetting the camera was even on.
''Says you, babe.'' She walked towards the camera and covered the lens with her hand.
''You just interrupted my shot, I'm--'' she interrupted me with a kiss, suddenly I didn't care anymore. We all began walking into the village and it got louder as the sounds of children playing filled the air.

The scenes that surrounded me began to break my heart. Children with no good shelter, no shoes, no luxuries, not a lot of food; were smiling. Running around and having the time of their lives. No matter how little they had, they made the most of it and remained happy. There was something beautiful about that. They really inspired me. They were leading a negative life with such positive thoughts, and I loved it.

They all seemed to stop playing as we approached. My camera was on and they couldn't believe their eyes as Jessica casually strolled towards them. It was cute, very cute.

They started to huddle together and squeal about how 'Jessie J' was in front of them. I couldn't stop smiling the entire time, everyone was smiling. The whole crew anticipated what Jessica was going to do. She got closer and greeted them. They obviously didn't understand everything she was saying, but from what I could hear, they spoke a bit of English.

Jessica looked back to us and nodded, signalling us to bring out our surprise. We had brought some snacks and bottled water for them. The crew went over to the ten cool bags and grabbed some to share out between the children. Their faces beamed and they looked so happy. It was a delight to watch.

Our surprise and our visit didn't stop there though, I played some games with the children; Cez and Alisha joining in with me as Jessica prepared another surprise. This was the best part, I've got to be honest.

Eventually, I got everyone sat down into rows, they waited for what was going to happen next. Jessica came out and began to sing for them. Lewie playing his guitar, Phebe and Louise assisting Jess. Ginger used his drum sticks to play on some pots and pans that the families had. Smooth was jamming out and playing some guitar with Lewie. Ayce playing his battery operated keyboard. Clair and Holly danced to the side, they'd clearly choreographed a small piece to go with some of the songs.

Honestly, it was nothing compared to the gigs Jessica usually did. This was all just improvised, as they made use of whatever they had. But the children saw it as an amazing concert, they loved it. This was something I was going to remember forever, I was ecstatic I got it down on camera.

Jessica continued her little gig until it was lunch time. We had provided lunch for the children and they all seemed thankful. Diligently munching on their food as their smiles didn't dare to fade. I carried on filming, I wanted as much video as I could get!

Evening came and now the families of the small village had something to show us. We took a seat and the children began to dance. It was amazing to see their culture and how they danced. It was obviously different to us and we couldn't refrain from joining in. Not one person wasn't dancing or playing music. We partied into the night and I felt so free. Right then, nothing worried me. I felt invincible.

I didn't want to leave, and neither did Jessica. The video camera battery was almost drained and I managed to record our last few minutes there. Jessica's eyes filled with tears as she became emotional. I have to admit, tears brimmed in my eyes too as I pressed record and got Jessica high fiving the children and saying her goodbyes.


The bus was almost silent as we travelled back to the hotel. Everyone apart from the driver, Jessica and I were asleep. We were making small talk about how nice this holiday away had been. I wanted to film one final thing. Praying my camera had battery, I got it out of the case and faced it towards myself. I pressed the button and... Success! It had a tiny bit of battery left!

''We're travelling back to the hotel from the village and I just wanted to sum everything up. It's been a great day and Jessica totally rocked her little performance. Care to say a few words?'' I asked her, as she smiled sleepily at me. I think I was the only one wide awake, I blame the sweets we had gave to the children!

''Ok,'' she took the camera and began talking. ''Today has been a great day. We've made lots of people smile and that's really made me happy. I didn't think for one minute people living in these conditions would still listen to my music, especially with everything they have to do to just get through daily life here. When I saw the children singing along with me, I realised how my music can take the pain away. Music does in general, really. This trip has been a real eye opener and I just want to thank everyone for everything they've done to support me. I love you, Heartbeats.'' She pulled a funny face and gave me back the camera. The battery ran out, perfect timing.

I held Jessica in my arms on the bus as we slept. I felt beyond content right now.

A/N: I'm on my iPod and don't have the bold option. I just want to tell you guys that I've had science mocks this week so that's why I haven't updated. I shall try to again before the end of the week.

And can I just thank you for 13K reads? I love you so much, it means so much to me!

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