Chapter 18

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Emelia and I were currently on the way to Madame Tussauds. She decided that we did it the day after camping because she was too excited to wait. She did say she always wanted to come here. I hadn't got a lot of sleep and so I was running on peppermint tea. I had my big black hat on so hopefully I wouldn't get noticed, but you never know with tourists in London, do you?

We queued for a couple of hours, Emelia insisting that I couldn't get us in quicker by telling them who I was, because it 'would ruin the whole experience'. Let's see if she's still saying that by the time we actually get to the till to pay. The queue went around the whole building and half way down the street outside.

But eventually we did get to start looking around. Taking pictures with wax versions of people like Daniel Radcliffe, David Beckham and Miley Cyrus. We started off serious, smiling cheerily into the camera. However, this soon got tedious. We began to manipulate the figures and intimidate them and this made each picture funnier. Oh the memories we were making were beautiful. We made funny faces with Shrek and looked all serious when we snapped some photos with Barack Obama, David Cameron and the royal family.

There was a lady offering to take pictures of groups of people. Me being the soppy person I am, wanted to have some taken so we could look back on them. I paid the lady to give Emelia and I a little photo shoot like everybody else seemed to be doing. We sat on some boxes and she explained that she'd be taking four photos. Knowing that I like organising, Emelia let me decide what we'd be doing in each. We smiled in the first, pouted in the second, hugged in the third and laughed in the last. Call it false and planned, but I'd call it cute.

The lady kindly got two copies and put the photos in frames for us. We headed out of Madame Tussauds and suddenly bright lights were stopping us. Luckily, Mark was waiting for us outside, she ushered us back in and I agreed, although I was puzzled. ''What happened?''

''Someone managed to find out where you were, there were a few fans here and I was going to let them see you but then all of these guys turned up.'' He explained, whilst I rubbed at my temples, trying to figure out what to do.

I didn't want to ruin Emelia's day. It was her bucket list and I didn't want things like paparazzi ruining it. I think she could tell I was stressed. ''Jess, why don't we just go out of the back entrance and meet the fans around there? I'm sure it would make their day.'' She always knew what to say.

''Are you sure you don't mind?''

''The paps aren't ideal, but there's no way I'd mind about the fans. They're your Heartbeats and you love them. I'd be happy to come and meet them with you.''

''You're awesome, did you know that?'' I don't tell her enough.

''Don't be a doughnut, come on, let's go around the back.''

~Emelia's POV~

I got hold of Jess' hand and dragged her over to the information desk. Mark had gone back outside to find the girls and lead them to us. Jess told the person on the desk who she was and they agreed to let us go out the rear entrance. We headed outside into the car park of the employees. Half a dozen or so teenage girls were stood next to Mark, squealing happily.

They set their eyes upon Jess and beamed. Their faces lit up and they started to suffer from a loss of breath. Much like me when my lungs decide to be pricks. It was so cute. Jess walked towards them and they all began to cry. Mark and I stood behind Jess as she hugged each of them and asked them questions. Seeing Jess with her fans was something I'd never get tired of seeing. I gazed at Jess and thought about how in love I was with her. It was a deep gaze, I put my heart into that gaze.

One girl asked me to take pictures and I obliged.

They each had a picture and chatted to each other as they looked at the selfies, apart from one girl. She was stood next to Jess and seemed very eager to tell her something. Jess being the giant she is, bent down as the emotional teen whispered something in her ear. She was ever so quiet, so I was unable to hear. From what I could gather, it must have been something good. Because Jess' serious face formed the smallest but sweetest smile I have ever seen. She looked really surprised by what the girl had to say, but in a good way. I looked to Mark, questioning what was going on with Jess. He simply shrugged and walked over to the rest of the girls, instructing them on where they should head to, in order to leave.

I looked back to Jess and I saw her nod her head to the girl, like she was agreeing with something. The girl then joined her friends and Jess waved goodbye to them all, thanking them for the dedication they give. Mark showed the girls the way out whilst I stood next to Jess. I glanced at her and her eyes were still fixed onto that girl. What did she say to Jess?

''Are you ok Jess?'' I asked, attempting to snap her out of her little daze. ''Is something wrong?''

''Oh, um. No, everything is fine.'' She smiled weakly at me.

''What did she say?''

''Nothing.'' She replied quickly, making it out to not be a big deal. ''Nothing.'' She confirmed, almost trying to convince herself and not me.


''Let's go,'' she held my hand and we made our way towards the car.

Not once did she look at me during the journey home.

A/N: I am so sorry that I haven't updated before now but if you knew how bad my wifi is, you'd understand. Seriously, if you follow me on Twitter, you're guaranteed to see me tweet about how rubbish it is. I know it's shorter than others but I wanted to get this chapter up before the wifi goes. Also, I've had a lot of school work but it's half term after tomorrow so there will be more updates.

I'll shut up now.

Thank you for reading.

Dedicated to Miss Awesome.

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