Chapter 21

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~Jess' POV~

Emelia was sat next to me as we were sat on the bench by sea, watching the sea glisten and waiting to be called for our turn to swim with dolphins. Now this was exciting. Even though we were here for Emelia, I can't deny I wanted to do this too. There was a slight breeze which made Emelia's hair blow across her face. I removed it gently as she gazed into the distance, clearly intrigued by the sea.

''I guess you're excited?''

''That's an understatement.'' She turned to face me, with the cheesiest grin on her face. I can't deny that I loved it. ''I just want to get in there and start swimming!''

We stood up as some smaller children came to sign up for dolphin swimming. ''There's no reason why you can't get in there now?''

''Isn't there?'' Her face looked puzzled, for a second. This was before I pushed her on the arm and she fell into the water. She came up coughing and spluttering, wiping her hair off of her face. Obviously I fell into fits of laughter and couldn't contain myself. If it wasn't her that attracted the attention of the instructor, then it was me. He came over and gasped as he saw Emelia in the water, still in shock from the little splash I gave her.

''What do you think you're doing?'' He hissed at me. Worrying for Emelia, he bent down and held his arm out, as Emelia gripped hold of it, he used his body strength to yank her out.

''I, um. I just did it as a joke.'' I was shocked by how abrupt he was.

''Do you see her laughing?''

''No, but--''

''Do you see me laughing?'' He interrupted me, being very rude if I say so myself.

''No.'' Was he really doing this?

''Well then, your little 'joke', wasn't that funny. Quit playing around, this is the sea, not a paddling pool. What if she couldn't swim?'' I seriously think he was asking for an argument. Either that or he was trying to act all amazing to impress Emelia.

''She could though? I would have gone in after her.''

''And probably drowned yourself? Yeah right. Just go careful next time, alright?''

''Perfect.'' I sarcastically replied. The thought of spending the next hour with him gave me so much joy.

He rolled his eyes and turned to Emelia. The harsh look on his face was immediately replaced with a much softer one. His eyes became more gentle as he used them to look up and down Emelia, a smile brightened up her face. She blushed and looked into her hands as he made her embarrassed. I hated to interrupt his little 'moment', but we were here for a reason. That reason was to swim with dolphins. ''I hate to intrude in your little... thing you have going on here. But what's happening with the dolphins?''

If looks could kill, I'd be dead after the look he just gave me.

''I was just getting onto that. Ok, so. We'll get the dolphins in and we'll stay here for a while to just get you used to them. We'll then start swimming with them, sound like a plan?'' He didn't ask me that question, he was facing Emelia. She nodded and he smiled. ''Great, let's get going!''

''I can't wait!'' Emelia exclaimed, clapping her hands together like a small child excited for Christmas.

''Neither can I.'' I murmured, talking to myself; like I'd be doing for half an hour soon.

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