Chapter 40

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~Emelia's POV~

It was a drizzly Tuesday morning after a jam packed weekend. In the three day bank holiday weekend, we had ticked off three things on my bucket list – one for each day! We spent the weekend in a hotel on the outskirts of London, almost like a cute little weekend away as a date for the two of us. It was a great weekend, scrap that, it was perfect.

We went on a helicopter ride above London, and it was breathtaking. Going above famous monuments and feeling as if I was on top of the world. I was bigger than Ben and towering over London. The beauty of places like that really go unnoticed. I guess the 'sight see everything in London' came under the helicopter ride too, we kind of did both in one go. We also handed out flowers to random people, seeing smiles light up their faces really made you feel something.

Currently, Jessica was driving and I was sat in the passenger seat. Her hand was holding mine on the gear stick, not wanting to let go of me even when she was driving. The radio was on quietly and Jessica's soothing voice filled the car. Everything was so relaxed and calm, I could have fallen asleep right there and then.

I smiled at how lucky I was to have someone like her, and how my life was complete. She glanced at me. "What are you smiling at?"

"I'm thinking, that's all."

"Oh god, should I be worried?" She laughed, changing gear.

"No, it's good thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"How lucky I am to have you, that's all," I admitted, causing her to turn her head to look at me.

"You're cute, Miss Gallo," she smirked.

"Keep your eyes on the road, Cornish."

Of course, all she did for the rest of the journey now was laugh to herself and smirk. I needed to wipe that smirk off of her face, so I leant over and kissed her on the cheek, as we pulled up at the cemetery. "Will that stop you smirking?"

"Really? You do that to me and make me want to kiss you, whilst we're at a cemetery, so I can't?"

"I guess I'm good at planning?"

I hopped out of the car and walked to my mum and nan's grave. I waited for Jess to bring the blanket before sitting down. I sat on her lap and opened the bouquet of flowers that I had bought to put on the grave. I put them in and watered them and took a picture. It looked beautiful. Just like the people who are buried there were.

"It's kind of surreal to think that in like a week or so I could be on my way here to be buried right where we're sat." Jessica threw me off of her lap and jumped a mile away, shivering.

"Don't speak like that, not only is it sad, it's creepy to think about."

"I'm sorry, it's just it's terrifying not knowing when you are about to die, like, there's a chance I may not be here tomorrow."

"Emelia, baby. Please stop,"Jessica pleaded, crawling over to me to sit on my lap. I was incredibly weak and so it hurt, she could tell and slid off of me. Nothing was easy these days.

"I'm sorry, Jessica."

"No, it's ok. Honestly, I need you to be ok."

I leant in for a kiss, it was gentle, yet passionate. I couldn't get enough of this girl.

We sat there for a while and just chilled, I was with my favourite people in the world and I was in my happy place. Not the cemetery, that's a bit morbid! "I'll give you a minute and meet you back in the car, ok Emelia?"

"Ok, beautiful."

Jessica headed for the car and I stood by the side of the grave.

"Hey mum, hi nan. I just want you to know that I miss you more than anything. I guess that'll all be sorted when I'm reunited with you again. I can't imagine what it's going to be like for Jessica though, I can't bare the thought of not being with her," I watched her walk away from me. She was only walking to the car, but this was still symbolising what it would be like when I died. "I love everything about her. The way her eyes catch the light and how I could get lost in them, never wanting to find myself again. The way her skin is so delicate and soft, making me want to caress her skin all of the time. The way her hands are soft and perfect for mine. The way her smile is infectious and how it makes me smile like an idiot whenever I see it. The way she is everything I could ever want and more. The way she is mine."

I kissed the marble stone and stroked it, telling my family I loved them. I walked towards my girlfriend, as she leant against the car. I kissed her on the lips, for what could be the last time. God, was I going to miss this.

A/N: I apologise for this short filler chapter and I semi apologise for the next chapter...

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