Chapter 23

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The flight to Australia was long and tedious. I spent the majority of the journey sleeping, trying to get as many hour as I could so the jet lag wouldn't be as bad. Jess refused to get out of her seat the entire time, I always knew she was afraid of heights and got vertigo, but with the amount of flying that she does, I wasn't expecting this.

The rest of the band and crew were sat in front of us watching a movie on the TV screen which was at the front of the plane. Jess and I were perched at the back in our seats, whispering to each other as the sound from the film projected, making it harder for anyone to hear our conversation. Jess was sat a few seats away from me, so we could stretch our legs out.

Although hers was shaking, and she was biting her lip. ''Nervous, Jess?''

''It's because it's a long flight.'' She convinced herself.

''Keep telling yourself that.''

''It's true.'' She said, defensively.

''Please Jess, I know you're worried and freaking out, you don't have to pretend in front of me.''

''Thank you.'' She sighed with relief, dropping the 'I'm not scared that there's a slight chance that this plane could crash at any moment' act.

''Any time.''

''Come over here and keep me company?''

''Sure.'' I picked up my blanket and wrapped it around me. I sat next to Jess and moved the arm rest so I could lean against her easier. We looked a complete state. Jogging bottoms, sweatshirts, messy buns- oh so Tumblr.

''It's so cold on here, it was hot earlier but with this air conditioning blasting down onto my head, it's rather chilly.'' She shivered, pulling my blanket tighter around herself.

''I know what you mean, I don't know how you close the hole for the air, so I just left it. Knowing me, I'd brake something.''

''Yes, best not to touch anything.'' Jess rolled her eyes, laughing at me.

''Hug for warmth?''

''Hug for warmth.'' I confirmed, I wasn't going to turn a Jess hug down.

We hugged it out. For quite a while, really. The hug lasted for a good hour of the film. I wasn't really into whatever it was. James Bond or something, I'd never really heard of it. But I can tell you now, it's a bloody long film. My eyes began to droop and although I had already slept, I wasn't going to not fall asleep again. My body became heavier and I snuggled into Jess more, which resulted in her wrapping her arms over me, as I laid my head on her chest. ''Someone's sleepy again.'' She stated, I could hear the smile in her voice, even if I was practically asleep.

''Yeah, I'm tired.''

''I can tell, you've suddenly become a lot heavier on me, Emelia.''

''Oh sorry,'' I apologised, sitting up. ''I'll move back if it's easier.''

''No, don't be silly, stay here.'' She said, gently pulling me back down.

''Thank you.''

''Any time, sweet pea.''

I let the sleep take over, as Jess watched the movie, stroking and playing with my hair. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but what I do know, is that when I woke up I was completely laying on Jess. She must have laid us both down and now I was on top of her. I adjusted to the light and moved my head to look around. Jess was asleep underneath me, and I prayed no-one else could see us right now. How awkward would that be?

''Jess...'' I whispered into her ear, not wanting to draw attention to us. ''Jessica.''

''Mhmm?'' She grumbled. Waking her up from sleep was risky. She was grumpy without her sleep.

''I think we're almost here.'' I looked at the screen of her iPhone.

''That went quickly.'' She rubbed her eyes and breathed out deeply, blowing my flyaways in my hair all over my face.

''Do you mind?! And yes, you were asleep for nearly the whole flight.'' I sorted out my hair and laughed at her; looking down to her, smiling.

''Says you, you were the one who fell asleep first earlier.'' She smirked, looking up at me.

''So it wasn't that bad, was it?''

''What? The flight?'' She asked, still dazed.


''I've had worse. Once there was such bad turbulence that it felt like the plane dropped at least 50 yards.'' She said morosely, almost as if it was happening again now.

''I doubt that happened. It was probably just your mind. Surprisingly Jessica, the pilot knows how to do his job.''

''But still--''

''Don't give me any buts, Jessica Ellen Cornish.'' I ordered.

''Or what?''

''Or I'll kick your butt.''

''I'd like to see you try.''

I tried to slap her bum, but this was tricky as she was against the seat. This made her wriggle beneath me. Her being the annoying little shit she is, began to tickle me. We looked like little worms, I won't lie. This was all friendly 'banter' of course, we were just friends. I screamed as she attempted to tickle my armpits. That area was a no-go.

''Jess?'' Alisha questioned, worry in her voice.

''What?'' She giggled, not really taking it serious. Until she realised that someone was asking her something. ''Wait, what?''

''I was just going to say, we're landing soon so you should get in your seats...''

''Yes, right. Thank you.''

''Any time.'' She awkwardly replied, backing away slowly.

I removed myself from Jess, and we both sat up. Nothing sexual was meant by it, and I hoped Alisha didn't think anything like that was going on. That would be so cringy and awkward. My face blushed, scarlet coloured; I couldn't look at Alisha until we reached the hotel. Jess was laughing at me in the taxi. I took out my phone and typed a message to her.

'Well I'm glad someone's finding this funny. Your close friend and hairstylist thinks I'm flirting with you.'

She replied almost simultaneously.

'That's what was happening, wasn't it? ;)'

'Stop teasing me. You're not funny.'

'Well my dad told me otherwise. Come on, lighten up. She knows we're just friends.'

If you can find the one thing wrong with that text, you deserve a medal. 'Just friends'. Ha, ha, ha.

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