Chapter 30

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Jessica had to do some promo in New York for a couple of weeks. She insisted that I came with her because it was on my bucket list. She did a few gigs and although she said they weren't her best; she completely killed them and I refused to believe anything else. She's very tough on herself. Too tough. Tonight was our last night here and she was doing an interview over a phone call, whilst she was in her dressing room, getting ready for the last day of our trip. Her phone was placed next to her on speaker, and she spoke aloud, her Essex accent filling the entirety of the room.

''So, Jessie. What are you plans after you leave New York?'' The interviewer questioned her; I could only imagine what he looked like. Beard with glasses? Pen and paper at the ready to record her answers?

''Well I'm spending some time at home with family and then I've got a few smaller gigs to do in the UK before I head over to Australia for The Voice later on this year,'' Jessica explained, her schedule sounding hectic just talking about it.

''Right, and how do you feel about joining the Australian version of The Voice, will it be the same as the UK version?''

''Well they're two different places and they're going to be different. The coaches are different, the singers are, the atmosphere will be different. It'll be a challenge and I'm really looking forward to it.''

''Great, thanks for your time,'' he seemed satisfied enough.

''You're welcome, bye!'' She chirped down the phone, ending the phone call on a high.

She then proceeded to get ready; applying lipstick to her face and delicately putting winged eyeliner on, how she could be so careful with her hands and make it look beyond perfect was unknown to me. I sat behind her on the sofa, twiddling my fingers around a frayed part of a cushion tassel. She could see me through the mirror as we spoke. ''Are you nervous?'' I teased her, winking.

''Of course I am, I'd be worried if I wasn't nervous,'' she murmured, as her lips remained still, getting her lipstick looking perfect.

''Nerves are good, they turn into adrenaline and then the show is even better.''

''Since when did you get so scientific?'' She raised her eyebrows at me, before rubbing her lips together to even out the gloss.

''It's in the genes,'' I exclaimed, flicking my hair to make me look sassy.

''Yeah, you're too scientific. Let's talk about rainbows and puppies or something.''

''Speaking of puppies, how is Jackson? I haven't seen him in a while.''

''He's at my mum's so when we go back we'll pick him up and take him back to my place,'' she explained. Is it just me or does she have everything figured out?

''Looking forward to it, except from the part where he licks my face off.''

''It's because he loves you,'' she defended her beloved dog.

''You love me, but you don't lick my face off?''

''He's a dog. I'm a human. We have different characteristics.''

''Now who's getting scientific?!'' I joked, although I did have a point.

''Shut up and throw me that bottle of water.''

I lobbed the bottle of water at her shoulder, to which she swore. ''You could've killed me!'' She stressed, laughing a little.

''Jessica, you moved out of the way, it didn't even hit you.''

''I bet you any money Cez comes in thinking I've fallen over and broken something.'' At that precise moment, he burst in and sighed deeply as he realised Jessica was perfectly fine.

''You can't scare me like that, I heard a crash and thought someone had died.''

''Neither of us are dying any time soon, I promise you, Cez. There's nothing to worry about,'' she said, hastily.

''Ok good. You're on in five Jess, let's get going.''

''Ready!'' Jessica shouted childishly, she was getting hyper and excited, this was beyond adorable.

She hopped out of her seat and ran over to me. Before I knew it, I was pulled off of the sofa and into her arms. We shared a short hug before she claimed my lips. I pulled back, our arms still linked behind each other's back. ''Why did you pull away?'' She pouted, the childishness not going anywhere.

''Someone is due on stage now.''

''I have five minutes,'' she retorted, trying to find an excuse to kiss me.

''I believe someone also just did her lipstick and wants it on her own lips, not mine.''

''You're my girlfriend, we share everything.''

''Mmm hmm, go on. Good luck. Head off to the side of the stage, I'll be sat here watching you from the TV.'' It was a fancy dressing room with the cameras from the side of the stage showing the gig in here.

''Ok, I love you. Bye!'' She headed for the door and I managed to yell 'I love you too' before it slammed shut.

I laid on the sofa, watching the TV as it began to show the crowd cheering for her. The chants of her name sending chills down my spine, let alone hers. She opened with 'Ain't Been Done', which got the crowd going immediately. No matter where she was in the world, people loved her voice and I know how much that meant to her. It gave them the same buzz as it gave Jessica. She had just finished her acoustic set before something happened to my chest.

Without warning, it closed up and I couldn't breathe. This wasn't like any other time, it felt worse. Much worse. I clawed at my chest, begging for it to stop. It was like I was drowning, screaming ear piercing screams; to be heard by nobody. Screeching with everything I had, but only hearing the sounds of water around me. If I'm honest, drowning would've been more pleasant than this, ripples would be made on the surface of the water to warn somebody of my problem. But here? The surface was still, you couldn't see the problem.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I didn't even notice for a while. I fell off of the sofa onto the floor and reached for the oxygen mask by the side of the sofa. I rapidly shoved it onto my mouth, which instantly felt like a relief. Ten minutes after laying on the floor, I tried to breathe without the supply. I dropped the mask by the side of me and concentrated on getting my breath back to normal. It was horrid and hard. My chest felt incredibly heavy and I'd never experienced pain like this, not even when I first got diagnosed with cancer.

I knew this was a bad sign. It was like I had been winded, as if someone was beating me with their bare fists. I was a punching bag, taking their hit. The cancer was terminal and this meant one thing. My countdown had properly begun. It was always lurking, getting closer and closer. The only difference is now time is going quicker – no matter how slowly I wished the seconds passed.


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