Chapter 11

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We waited for a Doctor to come and check on Emelia. The wait wasn't too long which was good. The time waiting was spent by Emelia sleeping and me watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful, bless her. A Doctor walked in and woke her up by slamming the door rather abruptly. I'm guessing he was on a tight schedule. Emelia opened her eyes and rubbed them. ''Hello Emelia, I've come to review you.''

''Thanks,'' she spoke tiredly.

''Well we've come to a conclusion that you fainted due to dehydration, a common side effect of your lung cancer. Can you recall drinking anything earlier today?''

She bit her lip and shook her head. ''I wasn't thirsty...''

''You must remember to drink, even when you aren't thirsty,'' the doctor stated.

''Isn't it true that when you feel thirsty you're already slightly dehydrated?'' I wasn't certain and I probably looked stupid for interrupting like that but I didn't care.

''Yes, that is true. Especially with your condition Emelia. You must remember.''

''I will.'' She nodded, not seeming the slightest bit interested in what he had to say. I couldn't blame her, she just wanted to get home. It was like she was in primary school and telling her off, I won't lie.

''Good, now what we're going to do is keep you here for a couple of more hours just to make sure everything is ok and then we'll let you go.''

''Thank you.'' I quickly said, knowing very well that if I let Emelia speak she'd most likely say something sarcastic due to being stuck in this room.

''That's ok, a nurse will be around in a bit then, bye.''

''Bye.'' She yawned, before snuggling into her pillow and sleeping again.

~ ~ ~

As soon as she was allowed to leave, she was up and out of that hospital. I actually had to remind her she shouldn't go too hard on herself. She was like an excited little child who had just been given sweets or a bowl of ice-cream. I wasn't going to let her stay on her own tonight, so I decided I'd sleep at hers. I didn't ask her, I was just going to. Surely she wouldn't have a problem with it.

She got in and just flopped onto the sofa. I sighed and giggled at her. ''I plan to stay here all night.''

''And I don't doubt that,'' I raised my eyebrows at her, knowing she was being fully serious. ''Budge up then, I can't stand up all night.''

''You're staying?'' She lifted up her feet to give me room to sit down, and then put them on my lap.

''Yeah course I am, I'm not letting you stay here on your own after what happened earlier.''

She just smiled.

''So have you thought any more about that letter from your Mum?''

''Yes, it's been on my mind all afternoon. Do I open it?''

''Yes. You do. Where is it? Let me go get it and then you can open it.''

''It's my my bag over there.'' She pointed to her bag and I collected the letter.

''Here. Open it.''

She used her thumb to tear the opening of it away and pulled it out slowly, taking her time so she didn't ruin it. She unfolded the letter and tears filled her eyes, something told me what she was about to read was going to be emotional.

~Emelia's POV~

All I did was hold the paper, and the water works started. Knowing that she had held this piece of paper and had spent time writing what was written made me emotional. No matter how hard I tried to blink away the tears, it wasn't working. I started reading.

'Dear Emelia,

I decided to write this letter for a couple of reasons. But the main one, was in case you'd ever need me and I couldn't be there. I take it that if you're reading this, then I am no longer with you. For whatever reason it is, you must know that you can't dwell on it. Life isn't supposed to be lived in the past, you have to make the most of today.'

The room was silent as I read.

'If there's ever a day when you feel like you can't do it, that you've hit rock bottom and that there's no point in going on; you mustn't give up. You can't. Just because there's no sun in the sky right now, it doesn't mean that cloud cover will last forever. You can't live life boringly, you have to make the most of it. Don't spend Monday's moaning about how it's the start of the week, stop wishing they were Friday's. There's 52 Monday's in a year, and if you spend each of them moaning, you've wasted 52 days already.'

''Are you ok?'' Jess' face was blank and she spoke with concern, almost as if she was about to start crying at any moment, too. I nodded, looking back at her before reading again.

'You have to make the most out of being young Emelia. When you're older, you'll want to look back and be happy about the choices you made, and not regretting anything.'

I wiped the tears away as I read on quickly, wanting to finish what was written, yet at the same time, not wanting to finish it. Finishing it meant that I had read it, I knew what was on that piece of paper and there was no turning around.

'Promise me one thing Emelia. Promise me you won't sit around grieving over me and wasting your days. Days are precious, because they will end. You have to live like they're limited, because they are. You don't know when your life will be taken from you, and you want to be able to say you lived a happy, interesting life. So go on, go out and explore the world. See what it has to offer and grab every opportunity. You only have one life, so make it count.'

My body was shaking as I cried rivers, barely able to see through the blur of tears. I bit my lip as I came to the closing paragraph of the letter. My letter.

'Oh, and one more thing Emelia. Find someone who loves you. Who will give up everything to be with you. Love them with everything you have, just like I do to you. Just because I'm gone, it doesn't mean I don't love you. Just because I'm gone, it doesn't mean I'm not with you.

Stay strong beautiful, keep smiling and stay strong.

Forever with you,

Mum x'

I put the piece of paper down and fell into Jess' lap, letting every emotion that was in me run free. I was sad for obvious reasons, but that wasn't all that I felt. I was scared. Scared for the future. More scared than I've ever been. Reading that letter opened up new thoughts. Although I was missing my Mum before, a different level of pain hit me. It was as if someone had taken my heart and started punching it several times, making me ache. Suddenly, I felt hopeful for the future, knowing that my Mother was so optimistic, but I was nervous too. She gave me such great advice, telling me to go out and live. But could I? Could I really? Was it as simple as she made it out to be?

A/N: It was sad writing that letter,  not going to lie. Sorry if there's any typos.

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