Chapter 33

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~Jess' POV~

''Hola,'' I greeted Emelia, walking into the kitchen. She was perched on one of the breakfast bar stools. Poking at a piece of scrambled egg on the plate, she raised her head and gave me a funny look. I leant against the counter to speak to her. ''What's with the stabbing of innocent bread?''

''What's with the Spanish?''

''You answer me first,'' I winked.

''I'm hungry.''

''Then why are you demolishing it?'' My eyebrows were raised, this was a serious question. It was operation save the bread!

''Ever since the cancer got worse, I haven't had a proper appetite.''

''Aw baby,'' I pouted, squeezing her chin gently. ''You need to eat it and not kill it, it's your fuel for the day and your body needs it to keep you strong, especially in your case. It's the medication that's making you feel this way.''

''Yeah, I'll try it again in a minute. My question; answer it.''

''Well you have 'learn a foreign language' on your bucket list, darling.'' I said, putting the emphasis on the 'foreign language'.

''Can't we take one day off?''

''No! We have to try and finish everything.'' Call me stubborn, but it's true.

''But, but. We could lay in bed all day and cuddle?''

''We could also say cheesy things in a foreign language, whilst drinking tea and sitting on the sofa with a duvet?'' If that wasn't persuasive, what was?

''You're right, that does sound good.''

''Honey, when am I ever wrong? I'm always correct,'' I joked, smirking.

''Good point, know-it-all,'' She sarcastically muttered under her breath. Not in a mean way, in a funny way.

''I swear if you didn't have a problem with your lungs I'd be chasing you around the house right now, kicking your arse.'' I hope she knew I was being deadly serious.

''Well it's a real shame I can't run then, isn't it?''

''A real shame, yes. Oh, by the way I've booked the flights to Hawaii for two days time, if you're only getting worse, then we need to get it done quickly,'' I explained, grabbing a glass from a nearby cupboard and filling it up with water.

''And when are we getting our tattoos? That's on the list as well, I believe.''

''We can do that whilst we're over there,'' I replied, sipping my water.

''Only if you promise it's not on a night where we're off our heads and get something utterly ridiculous drawn in permanent ink.''

''I'm not letting you get drunk, Emelia. You know what the doctor has been saying. Small doses of alcoholic beverages only because they can interfere with your medication.''

''You're no fun, Jessica.''

''Well this foreign language learning is going to be, so let's get onto it,'' I tipped the remaining water down the sink and put the glass next to it. I held her hand and dragged her into the living room.


We got our teapot and duvets and collapsed onto the sofa. Some music played quietly in the background, as I flicked through the 'Beginners Guide To Learning French' book that I had bought earlier this week. I knew that Emelia knew some of the basics of Spanish, and so a clean slate would be good. French it was.

We started off by watching a CD, listening to a lady explain some of the basics of the language. Now I must tell you, we did actually learn some of the language, but we were laughing at the lady's voice quite a bit also. We took a break to get croissants; helping us get into the mood for learning. In the end we decided to ditch the CD, we were getting bored and I thought it would be even more entertaining to do some of the teaching myself; considering I got a C in my French GCSE.

''Bonjour, je m'appelle Jessica,'' I had the accent down to a T.

''Je m'appelle Emelia.'' Sadly... Emelia did not. It would come with time, I guess. (I hoped!) I couldn't help but laugh, she was trying to do the accent, but failing quite epically. ''Why are you laughing? That's right, isn't it?'' That just made me cry with laughter.

''Yeah, yeah, yeah,'' I wafted my hands in the air, trying not to make it seem like I was laughing at her. I was, obviously, but she didn't need to know that! ''That was great, let's try some more.''

I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. We managed to get quite a good conversation flowing and even learnt some of the complicated words. Emelia seemed very eager to learn. Even if she couldn't grasp the accent; mastering the language was her forte. Within a couple of hours, she was talking French to me.

''And goodbye is-''

''No, stop. Don't say it,'' She interrupted me, rather abruptly. This caused me to furrow her eyebrows. She had some explaining to do. ''If I never learn the word for goodbye, then... Then I'll never have to say it to you.'' My face softened, yet I was quite tearful. ''Please don't cry, beautiful.''

''I'm sorry. That, that just hit me in the gut. I don't even want to imagine saying goodbye to you, let alone having to do it.''

''You don't have to yet. I may be dying soon, but soon isn't now. I'm your soldier and I'm holding on.''

''I just don't want to be alone, you make me so happy and if you're not here, well then-''

''Hey, you'll never be alone. I'm always with you, in everything you do. In the crevices. In the corner of the room. The corner of your eye. The cracks in your life. Inside your heart... And in bear form.''

''Are you like incapable of being cute for like a single minute?''

''What?!'' She held her arms up in defence. ''We made bears of each other, you literally will have me in bear form!'' She exclaimed, laughing as she said it.

She was right. As much as I am always right, she is too. We're special like that.

A/N: I thought I'd be an epic human being and update the day after the last update because you're all so sweet and kind. Although I should be doing homework, but ssshhh.

I also feel really bad because you guys keep saying how you don't want Emelia to die... :L I'll give you warning, or will that be worse? I'm bad at this omg.

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