Chapter 25

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It was impossible to stop Emelia from worrying on the way back to London. As rude as this sounds; I didn't even try to talk to her and tell her that everything would be ok. We both knew that it would be a miracle if her Nana survived this. I don't mean to sound horrible, but Emelia knew. Her only wish was to be there whilst it happened. I didn't have to talk to her to know that.

We were in the taxi on the way to the hospital. It seemed bizarre that only a day ago we were in Australia, enjoying our nice holiday. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why, but it felt like Emelia forgot it even happened. It annoyed me how karma was so mean to her, she's a great girl and doesn't deserve half of the stuff she goes through.

There was no keeping up with her as we made our way into the hospital. It was the same scenario as when we were running away from the waterfall. She was racing ahead, as I ran behind her. We looked like headless chickens when we entered the building. I knew we had to sign in but this was no use for Emelia. She blanked the desk and went through the endless corridors in search of her Nana.

If it wasn't for Cez behind us, filling in the receptionist on what was going on- Emelia would look mental right now. She slowed down as she approached a nurse. ''Where is she?'' She questioned, out of breath and out of patience.

''Who are you after?''

''Mrs Gallo, we got a call saying it was urgent. Where is she?''

''I'm afraid we have some news for you, Emelia.''


''She didn't make it through the night.''

Emelia flipped out and kicked the wall. This was very unlike her but she was hurting right now. Not just her feelings, she was literally hurting now, that kick must have hurt like hell! The tears began to fall as she rested her head against the hospital walls. She bashed her arms against them also, begging for this not to be true. The nurse stood sheepishly in the middle of the corridor. She looked to me as my face fell flat and the tears brimmed my eyes. ''She wasn't in as much pain as when she fell, but she was just too weak. She died peacefully at 2:47am.''

We were only around 12 hours late. Emelia's cries filled the corridors and drowned out the visitors, visiting their own family members. That made the whole situation worse, really. Emelia repeatedly hit her arm against the wall, which I could tell was also hurting.

To be honest, I think whatever she did, it was just to numb the pain.

I pulled her away and at first she fought, but then melted into my arms as she started weeping into my chest. ''It's ok baby, it's ok. She's sleeping with the angels now, she's out of pain, babe.''

''Why her, Jess? Why her? She was the only family member I had left, she's gone. It can't be happening. Tell me it's all a lie. Please, no. Jess; she's gone.'' She wailed, begging for this not to be true.

This was going to be a long road to happiness. But she wasn't going to face it alone. She didn't have to grieve silently, she had me to do it with.

They offered us to stay in the family room whilst they prepared the body for Emelia to see. I asked if she wanted to come back to mine to sleep, but she didn't want to leave the hospital. The nurses told her she should, considering she was ill, but she took no notice of them. Even when it was medically advised, Emelia still did what she wanted to.

 We were there a couple of days; slow, sad, draining days.


I was sat on an armchair in our room, and Emelia was sleep on me. Her breathing was even and she was currently catching up on some well needed sleep. She didn't sleep on the plane back here, the entire flight was spent with her chewing her nails. She never chewed her nails, this is how I could tell she was nervous.

She began to stir and moved her head from my shoulder to in front of my face.  ''Good afternoon.''

''Have they said anything about being able to see her?'' She bit her lip, she looked cute when she did that, but now isn't the time!

''They came in once this morning and said it'll be some time today. They couldn't tell me anything else because I wasn't your Nana's family.'' I explained to her what the doctors and nurses had said, as well as I could

''Can I ask you something, Jess?'' She murmured against my neck, shying away.

''Anything. Any question, ever.'' She replied by resting her head on my chest again.

''Would you come and see the body with me? I know that's quite daunting but I'm going to need someone there with me and you're literally the only one left now.''

''Of course. I'd do anything for you.''

''And there's one more thing...'' She whispered, almost as if she should feel bad for asking for more. She should never feel bad, there's plenty of my help for her- any day.

''Hit it.''

''I don't think you have any idea how grateful I am for you doing all of this for me.''

''I know you are.'' I stroked her hair and removed it from covering her eye.

''You mean the world to me.'' She confessed, it was honesty hour.

''And you're my world too. Anyway, how is your foot? You kicked it very hard the other day.''

''It's ok now, it killed when I did it though.'' She laughed at herself, yawning.

''You should've gone more careful. You get breathless very easy, your body is fragile and you need to treat it like it's the Crown Jewels, because to me, it is.''

''I love you.''

''And I love you, too.'' I replied.

It looked like the bucket list was put on hold for a while. Emelia needed some space to just breathe and take some time out. Her Nana was a lovely, caring person and I hated the fact that she never got to see Emelia again. That was what hurt the most.

She wasn't ever going to know if Emelia was going to be safe, or live a happy life. She couldn't even wish her a good life, timing is a fucker.

I'm well known for looking on the positive side, the one who 'finds silver linings'. If there was one good thing that could come out of this- I was determined to make Emelia never feel alone again. She was going to be the main focus in my life. She has limited time and I've seen today that time is of the essence and you have to make the most of it. She's my priority. She's my Crown Jewels.

A/N: If I don't update before Christmas Day, have a very merry Christmas :) <3

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