Chapter 8

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From what I had experienced that day, I think it was fair to say that Nana liked Jess, and that Jess liked Nana. Well, at least that was settled. We said our goodbyes and headed off in the late afternoon, which left the evening free. Jess needed to visit her family as she hadn't seen them for a while, so we thought why don't we kill two birds with one bird, and see them today too. Then we've both been introduced to everyone necessary in one day. Two visits, one day. Two birds, one stone.

The car journey was spent by me listening to Jess sing her heart out, along to the songs on the radio. She really doesn't hold back! When she goes in, there isn't any coming back out. Put it that way! ''You know how you were nervous with my Nana, Jess?''


''It's fair to say I'm feeling that now.'' I declared.


''Yeah, really!''

''Well, if I can say anything right now. It's that I was worried for nothing, your Nana was lovely and I was just being pessimistic. And if you take anything from that, let it be that you have nothing to worry about.'' Jess reported.

''Ok, but please help me if it's awkward Jess.''

''I will. I don't want to panic you, but we're here.''

''Holy shit.'' I whispered.

Jess hopped out of the car and came around to my side, opening it for me and helping me out. ''Thank you Miss Cornish.''

''Any time, Mrs Gallo.''

''Mrs?!'' I exclaimed.

''I'm kidding,'' she giggled. ''Now get inside.'' She slapped my bum, telling me to get a move on.

Jess knocked at the door 3 times, and we waited patiently for someone to answer. The butterflies in my stomach were doing flips and my heart started to race as we heard footsteps coming to the door. It opened and we saw a lady who was the spitting image of Jess. It must have been her Mum.

''Jessica!'' she exclaimed, opening her arms and bringing Jess in for a hug.

''How are you?'' Jess asked.

''Good thank you, and who's this cutie?'' She questioned, referring to me.

''Mum, this is Emelia; a friend of mine. Emelia, this is Rose; my Mum,.'' So I was correct.

''Hello Emelia.'' She held out her arms, did she want me to hug her? I hesitated for a split second, unsure of what to do.

''I won't bite, I want a hug.'' She explained.

''Oh, sorry, I wasn't sure.'' I hugged her and she squeezed tightly, I hadn't felt a hug like that in a long time.

''Come in girls, you don't want to be waiting outside.''

We were led inside and into the living room. ''Hello princess.'' A man stood up and walked over to Jess, embracing her in a hug.

''How are you Dad?''

''Very well thanks Jess, who's this?''

''This is Emelia, a friend of Jessica's. Emelia, this is Steve, my husband.''

''Nice to meet you, Steve.'' I held out my hand for him to shake, but he ignored it and gave me an unexpected hug.

''We're a hugging family.'' Jess smiled, giving me a wink.

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