Chapter 19

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Emelia grabbed the brushes and I carried the paint. She had even admitted she couldn't paint very well, but wanted to try it anyway. I was happy that I could teach her, as I could draw. Well, I hoped I still could!

Suggesting that we do it at my house because there was more room, we set up in my utility room. I got our canvases ready and we got started. I instructed Emelia to just paint whatever came from her heart. This usually created the best art. She dipped her brush into the paint and began eagerly. I did the same, painting diligently.

We were sat opposite one another, so our artwork would be a surprise. All was quiet as we worked on our masterpieces. Well, I say quiet. I was silent, but you could hear Emelia huffing and puffing as she obviously made mistakes. ''Jess...'' She groaned, throwing her head back in frustration. She whined as I simply suppressed my laughter, keeping it locked up in my stomach.

''What's the problem?'' I sat back, looking at her. Even when she was fed up, she was still annoyingly beautiful.

''I don't like it. I keep painting it, then it doesn't look right, so I have to paint over it. It's irritating.'' She glared at her canvas like it was a person.

''Can I see it?'' She nodded and so I moved over to her. I don't see what she was angry about, it was good. Very good. ''Emelia, it's so good! What don't you like about it?''

''That part is fine,'' she said, pointing at the picture. ''It's just this part that my paint brush seems to detest.''

''Let me help you.'' I took hold of her brush and guided both of our hands towards her work. I stroked delicately over the canvas and sorted it out for her. ''There you go, all better.''

''Thanks, Jess.''

''That's alright, now carry on and finish it. I can show you mine after.'' Her face beamed and she then began to paint again.

She had created something very touching. It was a view of a concert, from someone standing above the crowd slightly. It was one of my concerts. She painted the individual people in the crowd, the stage, my band, and me. It looked exactly like a professional photo and it wasn't even finished yet. I loved it.

'I can't paint to save my life, Jess.' Liar.

Shall I tell you what I was painting? Well, I have to keep it a surprise, to show Emelia. But if you want a clue, then here it is.

I took sneaky glances over at Emelia throughout our time painting.


''Ready? Three, two, one. Show!'' Emelia exclaimed, gripping onto her painting before revealing it to me. I did the same, finally letting her see what I had done.

''Jess.'' Emelia let out, dropping her painting onto the chair next to her, as she rushed over to me. Holding onto my hands, which were holding the canvas, she gazed at it. ''You drew me?'' She looked directly at me, in complete awe. Um.

''Yeah... Do you like it?'' I asked, biting my lip nervously.

What if I had made her look like some sort of ogre? Had I painted her eyes the correct colour? Of course I had, there not exactly a pair of eyes that you could forget now, are they? I drew from the heart and I drew what I saw. Perfection.

Now that makes me sound like a big head. I'm not trying to be, obviously.

''I love it. Jess, it's wonderful. I had no idea you could draw so well. If I tried to draw you, it would look like a potato. There's just one thing wrong with it.'' She stated, not taking her eyes off of me.

''And what is that?''

''You made me look good. I don't look good. I'm a pale cancer freak.''

''Don't talk about yourself like that.'' I demanded, it upset me a lot.

''But it's beautiful and amazing?'' She persisted, trying to fight an argument that she wasn't going to win.

''So are you. I drew what I saw, didn't I?'' Now that made her blush, and me also.

Everything was quiet for a moment. I think she was lost for words. ''So I'm not a pale cancer freak?'' She laughed a little at the end, releasing how weird that statement had sounded.

''No. You're not. You're my little soldier.'' I messed up her hair, so she tutted, shaking her head at me. ''Anyway, look at what you drew. It's bloody amazing!''

''Thank you. I just wanted to produce something that you'd like, so I could give it to you as a gift. To thank you for how much you've done for me. You don't know how grateful I am, Cornish.'' She scrunched her face up.

''Well I love it, I'm going to hang it on my wall.''

''Aw cool... Wait what.''

''You heard me. Now, let's get everything washed up and I'm going to make us dinner.''

''But, but, but.'' She exasperated, trying to come up with a reason as to why she couldn't put my picture up. I couldn't think of anything. Damn.

Emelia was tired and so she had a little nap on my sofa, whilst I made us tea. She loved my homemade lamb lasagne so I thought I'd make it for her. It's quick and simple, and was done rather soon.

I dished up and put our plates on the table. Next on the agenda was to wake Emelia. I entered the living room and my heart melted as I saw her sleeping soundly. Her chest rose and fell gently and she looked unbelievably peaceful.

I literally found it nearly impossible to wake her; I felt really bad for doing so. But if she was grumpy, I had lasagne. That was a plan for cheering her up!

''Emelia...'' I shook her carefully, not wanting to scare her or anything. ''Emelia babe, dinner is on the table.''

''Huh?'' She sat up and rubbed her eyes. ''Oh, ok, thank you.''

I took her hand and made my way into the kitchen. I flicked at the switch and the light came on but suddenly went off again. ''Really?'' I cussed. ''A power cut. Now. Of all the times it could happen.''

''Hey, we can eat in the dark. Do you have a torch or anything?'' She suggested, her hand on my upper arm.

''Yeah, somewhere. But I'd need a light source to find the light source.'' I giggled.

''How about we light some candles? You have some in your living room, don't you?''

''Emelia, I love you.'' I declared before racing into my living room in search of matches and candles, which I soon found.


''Well this is romantic.'' Emelia laughed, being an awkward little shit.

''Piss off.''

''The only thing that could make this even more romantic is if we blew out the candles and used the screens from our iPhones for some light.''

''You're a sarcastic little thing, aren't you?'' Telling her rather than asking to be quite honest.

''You know I'm joking, I love it.''

''Mmm hmm... Tuck in, before the candles go out.''

What a lovely way to end a lovely day.

A/N: There's no bold option on my iPod ugh. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I only skimmed through it whilst checking. There's a Hero update tomorrow by the way.

This is for Rosie because she's Rosie. A reason isn't needed.

Also, there may or not be drama coming soon...

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