Chapter 26

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~Emelia's POV~

The pain of having lost my Nan was horrible, but shit happens and you have to stay strong. There was one way I could numb the pain and that was baking. My nana loved to cook and I was in the mood for anything that had chocolate in it. Be that chocolate cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate cookies, or just plain chocolate. Jess and I got lots of cooking chocolate and began making lots of divine treats. Of course, she was a great cook and so did everything perfectly, I sat and watched her, whilst licking the bowl clean of any remains of chocolate.

I had told Jess many a time to stick to the recipe and to follow it, so we wouldn't go wrong and turn the delicious chocolate goodness into a pile of shit, but she wouldn't listen. She guessed the amount of each of the ingredients she put in. I was convinced it wasn't going to work, but as they were cooling down; I suspiciously popped a bitesize cupcake into my mouth. Jess wasn't aware at first because she was facing the other direction, wiping down the surface as her OCD was settling in. However, I didn't give the cupcake enough time to cool down and so I burnt the roof of my mouth. I yelped in pain and Jess turned her head sharply. Busted.

''Emelia?! You're not supposed to eat them yet.'' She sounded like a teacher telling me off. ''We were saving them for later when we watch a movie.''

''Well I got hungry?'' That was a great comeback, right?

''How did you?'' She raised her eyebrows at me, trying to keep a straight face. ''You ate half of the chocolate before it was even in the cases, there is no way you can be hungry.''

She stared at me, glaring. Not in a mean way, but in a 'what am I going to do with you?!' way. I didn't have anything to reply so I simply sucked in my cheeks and pouted; making myself look like a fish. ''You look funny when you do that.''

''That's so very kind of you, I am beautiful, aren't I?'' I flipped my hair with my hand and fluttered my eyelashes.

''You really are.''

We spent the entire day baking and even though I was still grieving, I had ticked something else off of my bucket list and was surrounded by chocolate and Jess- my idea of heaven. I didn't really want to think about my nana, I know that probably sounds quite blunt and mean, but thinking leads to over thinking, which leads to upsetting yourself. Nobody wants that. Not for anyone.

Jess and I chilled on the sofa after our successful day of baking. She insisted that I put something on TV, as she finished the washing up. I wasn't going to argue with Jess, we all know by now that it's not worth it. Who always wins? Mmm hmm, correct. The bear replica of Jess was placed next to me and it was facing the TV. God that bear helped me feel less alone when Jess wasn't with me. If I couldn't get to Jim's café easily, I'd sit with the bear and write to mum wherever I was. I would never have come that far if it wasn't for Jess. The bear of me was also placed next to it, they were sat next to each other, hand in hand. Well, paw in paw.

I grabbed my diary from the coffee table and began to write.

'Dear Mum,

I still can't believe that Nana has gone. I don't think I'll ever be able to digest it. The only positive thing about this situation that I'm in, is that I know she's not in pain now. She's up there with you, keeping you company. I've hated to think you're on your own, sat there with no-one to comfort you. Well, I know nana is there to do that for you now. You're together and with the state that I'm in, I'll probably be with you soon.'

I felt a wave of regret after I wrote that. Not for anyone else, but for myself. I had just made myself feel worse by reminding myself of my condition. I always had to mess things up, didn't I? Negative thoughts were soon thrown away as Jess jumped onto the sofa next to me. I snapped my diary shut and put it behind my back, in a casual way.

''What were you writing?'' She looked worried, probably because I just hid the diary.

''Just about our lovely day baking.'' I smiled, smiles are good, right?

''Is that all?''

''Yeah, that's all!''

''I put a quick picture on Instagram of our masterpieces, you know?''

''What was the caption? 'I finished working on my masterpiece'?!'' Excuse the pun.

''Ha, ha, ha, very punny.'' She rolled her eyes at me, smirking. ''No, I just said that I had had a nice day.''

''Well I have too, it's been... relieving.'' That was the truth, it felt good to completely forget about the troubles of the world.

''Glad to be of service.''

''Um, Jess. I have something to tell you.''

She looked worried. Her face as white as snow. ''What? What Emelia, what is it?''

''I can't breathe.''

''What? Oh my god, what's happening? Are you ok? Where is the nearest oxygen tank? Do you need it?'' Bullets of questions were being fired at me.

''No, Jess. You're misunderstanding.'' I just sat there, completely calm.

''Tell me then, tell me what's wrong!'' She was shouting, flapping her arms around like a baby bird trying to fly for the first time. She was panicking; I wasn't.

''You're sat on me.''

''Come again?''

''The bear. You're sat on me. I can't breathe. Your arse is in my face. Both of our faces, actually.''

''Emelia!'' She whined, sighing with relief. ''You're such a bitch. I was genuinely worried about you then.''

''I'm sorry, I had to.''

''Nope.'' She shunned me and faced away from me.

''Jess...'' I whined her name, feeling alone. I stuck my head over her shoulder, winding her up because I found it funny.

''No. I am done with your shit.'' She was being childish and pretending now, and we both found it immensely funny.

There was only one word to describe how I felt right now. One word to sum up this situation and one word that was the perfect word to end our conversation before we started watching some crap rom-com.


A/N: I'm updating Hero very soon. I promised more updates so they are coming! Please comment your opinions, I never know if what I am producing is liked by you guys...

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