Chapter 60

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3rd P.O.V

*In a dark place*

"Come ooonn! You guys are so slow!" Jimmy whined. Maxwell glared at him "Not all of us are fast" He pointed to a huffing Sue, who was behind them.

"You all are supernatural. I'm not. Get over it" Sue tugged on his mask, annoyed. "Sooo?" Jimmy groaned "Have you seen Papa move when Gertrude says the magic words"

"Magic words?"

"Of course. What else would my brother run for. Not his life, that's for sure" Maxwell grumbled. There were some snickers going around.

"Want one?" Sue held out the candy to Slender. The faceless humanoid shook his head. He motioned to the place where a mouth would be, reminding Sue of his situation.

"Shhhh!" Toilet Toucher held his finger to his lips "I heard something" They all paused and Jimmy grinned.

Footsteps echoed across the empty room. It approached the dark wall in front of them. Jimmy twitched, slowly reaching for Knifey.

Silence. All breathing stopped. For those who needed to anyway. One minutes passed, then two. After three minutes, someone dared speak. "Maybe they gone?" Sue quietly suggested.

A door flew open, letting bright light through, blinding all of them. Jimmy grasped Knifey and blindly lunged foreword.

There was a small gasp and a clang as Knifey was deflected. "Oi!" an angry voice proclaimed. Jimmy blinked, eyes adjusting enough to see and recognize the figure in front of him.

"Oh...Hey Venny-boy!"

"What was that for? You nearly chopped off my head!"
"I thought you were an enemy" Jimmy shrugged.

"An enemy?! You haven't even left the building!" Ven rubbed his eyes, annoyed. "Oops?" Jimmy shrugged.

Jordan groaned "Okay, get going for real. Please don't spend another half an hour hiding in the dark" They all nodded and ashamedly shuffled out of the dark extra room.

Shuffled passed everyone, ignoring their questioning stares. Shuffled into the lobby and shuffled out the door. "Idiot!" Maxwell smack Sue's head with a street cone.

"Hey!" Suckish Officer gingerly rubbed the new sore spot on his head. Before Sue could launch himself at the ghost, Slendy teleported in between them.

"Creepypasta is right, getcha head in the game. We need to go see what is happening at the enemies. Maybe stab stab stab some people on the way" Jimmy butted in.

"A good murder huh" Maxwell's eyes lite up "Haven't had a good murder in days. Lets go. I'm itching to kill a scientist" He set out at a fast walk, keeping to the shadows. The others scrambled to catch up.

After fifteen straight minutes of walking, Sue had already fallen behind. "Ugn. Can't we just, teleport there or something" he groaned, laying on the ground. They all paused.

"That is actually a good idea. Less conspicuous and faster" Maxwell agreed, surprised. "Meet you inside losers!" Toilet Toucher immediately broke off and loped to a nearby house.

There was a sound of glass breaking and a high pitched scream.

"Okay, now what about us?" Maxwell started to turn and look at Jimmy, only to feel slimy tentacles wrap around his waist.

"SlenderMan? What are you doing!?"

The entity had grown several feet larger and had several squiggly things producing from his back. More had wrapped themselves around Jimmy as well and a couple were already reaching for Sue.

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