Chapter 29

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I have a special surprise today, hope you like it!

Jordan walked inside. Everybody was in the same pose as before. Jimmy laying down with the couch all to himself, and the non-murders sitting on the floor.

"Jordan!" Cierra sat up, relieved. "Hey big bro, watcha do?" Isaac also looked relieved. Jordan shrugged "I just mowed the lawn, took a little walk around the house" he sat down.

Bethany raised an eyebrow "That's it?" His face turned red "Hey I am out of shape! We don't do much anymore"

"I do have to agree with brother on that one" Cierra said. Casket suddenly sat up.

"I love to interrupt, but Ghost is awake and taking over. You will see lil' ol' me again. You can count on that" At that, Jimmy fainted. The Fryes all stood above him.

"Check it out, his clothes are changing too!"

Isaac's words rang true. Jimmy's jacket and shirt had formed together to make Johnny Ghost's blue hoodie. The man also transformed. He gained some weight and a tan.

His brown eyes opened to see four people crowding over him, he sat up. "Uhhhh" his eyes darted around, until they settled on Jordan's face.

Johnny relaxed "My look alike!" he sat up. "What am I doing here and why are you guys still alive?" he held out his arms.

"He was running from the special police, decided to come here, and he blackmailed Jordan into keeping him here" came Cierra's answer.

"What happened when I was out?"
"We watched one old episode of MLP, watched a murder movie, the S.P.F tackled Jordan cause they thought he was Jimmy, and..... Oh ya Jimmy got a new outfit!"

"He did?" Ghost look down. "Are you sure? The outfit looks the same to me"
"Well when you changed back, so did your clothes" Isaac put in.

Ghost shook his head "You know what, considering the life I live, that doesn't really shock me. What do they look like?"

"Dark maroon shirt with a really dark grey, almost black, jacket" Jordan answered. Awkward silence filled the air. Ghost looked at the ground.

"Soo, you probably want a phone to call Johnny Toast, dontcha" Cierra broke the ice. Ghost looked up, relieved somebody broke the silence.

"Um, yes. That would probably be a good idea" Ghost mumbled. "Course you'd be the first one to think of him" Isaac elbowed Cierra.

"Why would she?" Ghost asked. Everybody froze. Isaac mentally face palmed himself for saying that.

"Cause she...", Bethany thought swiftly. "Cause she has a crush on him!" Jordan interrupted quickly.

"What! No I don't!" Cierra gawked at her siblings. Isaac caught on "Look she denies it. What more could you need to know! And he did save her life"

Ghost grinned at her "You are not the first to fall for my partner. Nor will you be the last. Long as it doesn't turn into a Maddie-Friend like obsession, go ahead. Where is your phone?"

"Kitchen" Bethany said. When Ghost left Cierra turned on her family.

"Why did you tell him that!", she hissed "Now he thinks I have a crush on Toast. This is going to end up so weird!"

"Better then him finding out that you created Toast! It is better that he thinks you have a crush, instead if the truth" Jordan whispered back.

Cierra blinked as the words settled in. "Oh. That makes sense. I will pretend to have a crush on him. Won't be hard to do that"

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