Chapter 12

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Hey guys, on Chapter 11 we reached 111 views! That is so many people! Thank you the two people who have commented on this book, and I hope you enjoy this!

Sally had calmed down and was back inside eating more waffles in the kitchen. Cierra was still hungry and had reached for the same waffle as Sally.

Their hands touched and Sally won the waffle without a fight. But Sally had gained the sudden the urge to protect Cierra. Love for Jordan was rivaled by the instinct to protect.

Cierra, not knowing what she had just activated, left the table and went to find her sister. Sally just kept eating.

Papa Acachalla had totally forgotten about his former thoughts on the Fryes and had taken to pacing at the front door.

You could here him mumble a few words now and then "Stupid Maxwell.... I didn't know... Won't he just die.... He knows better than to go after guests..."

He was kinda scaring all of them. Billy had locked himself in his room hours ago. The Frye boys had joined him.

Acachalla himself wasn't quite sure why he was acting like this ether. It was like an instinct, protect them. It drove him to do the pacing.

What he didn't know was that he and the rest of the Fryes creations had a program that gave them the urge to protect their creator. Since the Fryes were their creator, he wanted to protect them.

Only Papa Acachalla and Sally had gotten it so far. Sally because she had touched Cierra's hand, and Papa Acachalla because he is Jordan's most used. More used, easier the program kicked in.

Maxwell has it as well. He just never got close enough to Isaac for it to activate.

Suckish Officer "Sue" their boy-sister came in through the back, scaring everyone that was downstairs.

"What's up" he called in his deep manly voice. "Ah! Sue, sweetie, you scared me!" Gertrude had jumped at his voice. He smiled, which was hard to see with his ever present ski mask on.

"What is wrong with Pops?" he questioned. Even though he was accidentally adopted as their legal daughter, he still preferred being called a boy.

"Maxwell attacked while you were gone hon. He really meant it this time. He actually went after the guests. That got Papa Acachalla angry. He called in some professionals"

"Pfffft. Papa Acachalla doesn't get help, much less from professionals"

"He did. They said they will be here today"

"You said we had guests?"

"Yes we do hon. They are siblings, Jordan, Cierra, Bethany, and Isaac. We know they are travelers"

"Well, I'm going to meet them. Where are they?"

"Billy's room hon"

Sue started walking up the stairs. Billy came flying down, knocking him onto his back. They made an x shape.

"YOU ABSOLUTE NERD! A LEVEL 26 ARCHER ELF CAN NOT DEFEAT A LEVEL 57 WIZARD!" The voice had a annoying lisp that caused saliva build up in the mouth. (Venturain actually complained about that when he first made Spencer)

"Sue?" Billy groaned.

"Ya?" Sue groaned back.

"Are you alright?"

"Soon as you get off me, I think I will be fine"

Billy sat up and Sue rolled onto his stomach. Papa Acachalla only glanced at them before he continued with his pacing.

Jordan walked downstairs with Isaac in tow. You guys all right? I knew Billy would be fine, but when I heard two groans, I knew somebody else got hit"

"We're good" Sue said, adjusting his mask so he could see out of both eyes.

Jordan chuckled "You would never expect such strength from a tiny kid. He kinda like the Hulk. Must be the nerd rage"

"I am not a tiny kid. I am the Mighty Spenc!" Spencer yelled as he walked to the second floor landing. At first glance, he looked like a golfer. Tan pants, light green shirt with three big diamonds.

Then you would notice the horrible face acne. It looked like a swarm of mosquitoes had attacked his face. Then they got infected and started oozing nasties.

His eyes have the boys the death state from behind his square glasses. Isaac walked over and offered a hand to both Billy and Sue. They both gladly took it. Their protect program kicked in as soon as they touched.

"That is what they get for trying the prove the Mighty Spenc wrong. Those absolute nerds" Spencer snorted. Jordan sighed, patted Spencer's head, then went to help his brother. Spencer 's protect program activated.

"How dare you touch the Mighty Spenc! You will pay for that!" He continued to babble, but everyone ignored him.

"I want you to meet my sister Sue" Billy introduced Sue to the Frye boys.

"Nice to meet you" Sue held out his hand. Both boys shook it.

"How is he your sister if he is..." Isaac started, but stopped when Jordan shot him a look. Thankfully, both Acachallas were distracted.

"Oh shoot! Look at the time I got to go!" Sue scrambled to grab his bag and shotgun. "Bye Gertrude!"

"See you sweetie!" came the reply.

Billy sighed as Sue hurried out the house. "What's wrong?" Isaac asked, concerned. "I'm worried about Papa. I have never seen him move so much before. This is unnatural"

Papa Acachalla had been pacing by the door this entire time. He hadn't even stopped yet. Which is saying a lot for Papa Acachalla. He was still waiting for the professionals at the door.

Then the doorbell rang.

Who is going to be at the door! Find out tomorrow! Still can't believe over 100 people have read this, that is so cool! Thanks for wasting your time on this!

Who do you want the Fryes to meet next after this ghost business is done? Tell me in the comments!

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