Chapter 10

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Couple hours later, everything was the same. Billy had got back from medic school, and had started a conversation about Pokémon with the Fyes.

Him and Cierra were deep into a conversation about which generation was better. Jordan and Bethany were mostly listening, sometimes giving their opinion.

Sally was eating waffles. Glancing at Jordan every ten seconds. She still hadn't said a word since seeing him.

Everybody but Jordan and Papa Acachalla had noticed this. But, to be fair, Papa Acachalla doesn't really notice anything these days.

Isaac was just sitting there, thinking about how they got into this situation. Then he stiffened and asked Gertrude a question "Where's the bathroom?"

"Upstairs, third door to the right hon" Gertrude pointed. "Thanks" Isaac jogged upstairs. He mentally counted the doors as he walked past.

One...Two....Three! Isaac opened the door and shut it behind him. He went up to the toilet and lifted up the lid, only to see an head pop out of the drain.

It was a balding head, with white hair only on the sides of his head.

"Hello!" it said. An hand appeared and gave a little wave. Isaac screamed, dropping the toilet lid on the old man's head.

It bounced up as the Toilet Toucher's signature yell answered back. "Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh"

Isaac fell onto his rear, then tried to crab walked backwards.

Downstairs they only heard "Ahhhhhhhhh" then "Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh" and lastly a giant thump.

"Isaac!" The siblings screamed in union. Jordan lead the charge to the upstairs bathroom.

He forced the door open. "Jordan!" Isaac cried happily. He stood up and went to hug Jordan, but was pulled out of the bathroom by Bethany instead.

Jordan watched the Toilet Toucher finish getting out of the toilet. "When you touch a butt" Isaac muttered softly. Cierra covered her mouth in a attempt to not smile.

"Toilet Toucher, get outta my house!" Papa Acachalla pushed past all the Fryes and started shooting at him with his shotgun.

Toilet Toucher turned and did a swan dive right into the toilet, escaping once again. "Good riddance" Acachalla smirked at the toilet.

"Papa!" came a scream from below.

"Not again!" Papa Acachalla growled. "I'm coming Billy, make sure you guard that toilet. We don't want a repeat of last week!"

He stomped downstairs mumbling " Why it got so bad last week that we had to call P.I.E to...." He grumbling faded away.

"I would wait on the bathroom hon" Gertrude called "Last week it took them four hours alone, then five more with P.I.E to get rid of him"

The siblings looked at each other. "That's the Toilet Toucher. How long will it take this time" Bethany wondered. Cierra shrugged.

"So Isaac, still need to use the bathroom?" Jordan teased, turning to his youngest sibling.

Isaac looked down and blushed. "Nope. In fact, I need to use our room for a little while "

He awkwardly started sliding against the wall to his room, where he promptly disappeared.

Laughter could be heard coming from the Acachalla house. Gun shots and pounding on the stairs could also be heard. The normal noises.

Freddie the Dinosaur just curled up tighter in his little sleep ball.

Three hours later a sweating Papa Acachalla slid down the stairs and crawled to the pantry.

"Hey Papa! He didn't pop up again!" Billy trotted happily into the kitchen.

Acachalla shoved some Oreos into his mouth before answering.

"He shouldn't. I managed to nick him in the arm once, and got his foot a couple of times. I would think another week till we see him again"

Billy nodded and went to find the new people. Papa Acachalla didn't bother to find a seat to crash in, he fell asleep on the floor.

The siblings had all gathered into the main TV room, and was watching Doctor Who. Isaac's outfit looked the same as before.

Sally was watching them from the hallway. She was unnaturally quite. "Was she sick?" Billy worried in his brain.

"Sally!" he whispered, reaching out and touching her arm. Sally jumped away, leaving Billy even more worried. Sally could always hear a person coming!

"Are you okay?" he asked her. "Iwm fwine. Stwop worrywing" she scolded him, then looked back at the new people. "What do youw thwink owf Jwordan. I thwink he is vwery cwool. Awlmost as cwool as waffles!"

Billy stopped thinking of what he would say. He stared at his sister, and slowly said "You have a crush on Jordan?"

Sally froze "How dwid youw knwow?" She asked, stomping her foot. Sally stared at him "Dwont youw dware twell hiwm" Her eyes started to turn dark and her finger nails grew.

"I won't" Billy promised nervously. Then he turned and walked into the room.

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