Chapter 11

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Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the Toilet Toucher incident last time. Over 100 people have seen this book, Yay! That is so many people! Thanks for being one if them!

Loud mexican music woke Isaac. Muddled, he looked around until he realized it was coming from downstairs.

"Jordan" he whisper-yelled. Jordan mumbled something. Isaac stood up.

"Jordan!" Isaac whispered louder, flicking his face.

Jordan finally lifted his head off his pillow "Whaat?" "What's going on downstairs" Isaac asked. Jordan glanced at the clock.

"It's midnight"


"Papa Acachalla turns to José José José José on midnights and Mondays. Don't you remember anything?" Jordan questioned.

Then his head fell back onto the pillow and he was gone under again. Isaac climbed under his covers and covered his ears. This was going to be a long night.

Morning was better. The house had random beauty products everywhere. Bethany found a pink hair brush in a cereal box and Jordan a hair curler in the toilet.

Jordan had warned them to not ask questions and not to show that they know of Acachalla's "beauty" side. That could to lead to unwanted questions.

"Waffles, I love waffles, waffles are yummy, waffles are the best, waffles" Sally sang as she walked down the stairs.

There were hundreds of waffles on the table. Crispy golden brown, with correct squares, and shaped as a perfect circle. Maple syrup bottles covered the counter.

Sally jumped into a chair, and immediately started ripping the waffles in pieces and shoving them into her mouth like a starving animal.

Her back hunched as she inhaled the waffles. She cast her eyes side to side, watching for anyone who would be stupid enough to take her waffles.

Sally growled protectively when Cierra sat in the next seat. "Don't worry, I have no plans on taking your waffles" Sally relaxed just a tiny bit.

"How did you all sleep?" Gertrude asked as she set down another plate full of waffles. All the siblings sat on the same side of the table.

"Good, except for the Mexican music the neighbors kept playing" Isaac said, reaching for another waffle. Sally growled and he retracted his hand.

"I was getting sick of it to" Billy complained " Papa, next time can you" "Shut up!" Papa Acachalla quickly interrupted. He glanced at the Fryes, who all acted like they heard nothing.

"It's chilly in here" Bethany noted, shivering. "Chilly?" Gertrude questioned.

A bottle of maple syrup flew and hit Acachalla in the face. "Maxwell" he spluttered, wiping syrup off his face.

The siblings shoved away from the table. Jordan instinctively pushed them against the wall and grabbed a frying pan. Isaac reached for a rolling pin.

Papa Acachalla gave them a quizzical look. "How do they know Maxwell is dangerous?" he thought.

A waffle decided to love his face right at that moment. "Get it off!" Papa Acachalla yelled. He forgot the about thought.

Sally reacted before any of them. She leapt over the table, ripped the waffle off his face, and devoured it in seconds.

A human-like shaped formed in the middle of the kitchen. It looked like a normal man, but was entirely gray with no features. You couldn't tell if it had a mole on its face or not.

"He should know better", Acachalla growled "Never interrupt breakfast when Sally is here. I don't wanna chase down the street again"

"And I don't think the neighbor has come back from the hospital yet" Gertrude added. She ducked as the rolling pin escaped Isaac's hands and attacked her.

"What's this? Guests! I guess I'll show them who is boss!" cackled an evil voice from the figure. It turned its head to look at them. Jordan pushed Isaac behind him.

"Oh look, this one is trying to play hero! How adorable!" Maxwell cooed. He started to slowly float towards them. Jordan raised the frying pan.

The sight of Jordan in danger snapped Sally out of her "eat all the waffles" state. "Noo!" she screamed. With that, she started to change.

Sally's brown eyes darkened to red with the white part of her eyes turning black. Nails grew, hardened, and sharpened into claws. Sally's teeth became sharp and long.

She screamed like a she-devil and launched herself onto Maxwell's back.

Acachalla swore and stumbled back.

"Acachalla watch your language!" Gertrude scolded. Papa Acachalla didn't reply, he just watched the battle.

The whole battle was a blur. Literally. There was just a blur of color. Grey, mahogany, grey, mahogany. No one was quite sure how Sally won, but she did.

Maxwell came flying out of the blur, crashing into the wall. He was covered in long thin scratches, which oozed black goo.

"I'll get you for that Acachalla!" he growled before disappearing. Sally gave out a loud cry, before bursting out the back door.

Jordan let his sibling come out from behind him. "Everyone alright?" Gertrude asked. Besides a bruise on Billy forehead from the rolling pin, everyone was fine.

"Are you going to do something about Sally?" Cierra said. "She's fine in the back yard. We got a force field on the fence. Last time she got out the front, so we were lucky this time" Gertrude explained.

"That's it! We are getting professional help!" Acachalla yelled. He stalked up to the phone and started dialing furiously.

I bet most of you know who Acachalla is calling. Maybe you'll see them next chapter, who knows. Tell me your opinions about Sally's crush on Jordan. I'd like to hear from you. Thanks for reading!

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