Chapter 34

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The only doors screeched open. The worms had shoved the container against the door, leaving the Dino with one way out.

The Fryes held their breathes, hoping the Dino choose this time to fall asleep. They were about to be disappointed.

The familiar roar that sounded like a trumpet played by a newbie rang out. A brown blur rushed out and hit Cierra before anyone could move.

She ragdolled and landed with a loud snap. Jordan stared in horror at his sister's neck, bent at a unnatural angle. Above, Sally started crying and shouted "My Waffle Sister! Bad Freddieo, bad!"

Bethany didn't bother to hold back the tears as she aimed her gun at Freddieo. Knowing her sister would come back to life didn't Bethany at all.

The dinosaur had been deciding on who to get next. When the girl with red hair shot him, he turned on her. Roaring his anger, it charged.

In his shocked state, Isaac barely remembered Bethany plan. Shaking off the haze, he aimed and shot the Dino multiple times. Bethany forgotten, Freddieo charged at Isaac.

Seeing Isaac shoot shook Jordan back to the problem. He took his shots, then watched Freddieo charge him, waiting for Bethany to go.

What only Sally noticed was a glowing bubble surround Cierra's body. The body faded away as the bubble sucked out the energy. The bubble turned purple as it filled up. It finished right as her body disappeared.

As her siblings fought, Cierra reappeared. Looking exactly the same as before her death. She looked a little confused, and out of breath.

Cierra couldn't believe it. She was alive again! Giving herself a quick pat down, just to make sure, she felt something weird, in her brain.

It was an urge to eat waffles. Nothing big or anything, she could easily ignore it. And there was evil part of Sally. Cierra frowned. "It doesn't feel very strong" she mumbled "with luck, I only got physical transformation part"

"Hurry!" Sally yelled "Your siblings need your help!" she pointed at the strange scene. Cierra nodded. She grabbed her waffle gun and aimed.

Running forward, she ejected the deadly cooked flour at the dinosaur. He roared when the hot pancakes with holes hit his head.

To say that the siblings were happy to see their sister is an under-estaminet. They were elated, but right now, they had a dinosaur to kill.

By now the worms had caught the purple bubble and put it inside an even bigger bubble. This bubble had wires and tubes connected to it. It's wasn't glowing like the other smaller ones inside it.

The purple one popped and filled the entire big bubble purple. The big one soaked it in, and started to slightly glow the same purple. Mr. Borminerf shook his head at the death, but was happy that their plan was close to being complete.

They let lose a firework into the cement room. Distracting everyone, Freddieo veered from Bethany slammed into Isaac instead. Cierra, who now had the rocket launcher out, let loose several at the reptile.

It let out a long wail. A bubble collected Isaac's energy, and popped in the bigger bubble. It now glowed purple and black.

Isaac could feel Maxwell's power flow through him. His telekinetic ability wasn't strong enough to work on the whole Dino yet. He satisfied himself on randomly pulling on Freddieo's tail. He also had the sudden want to wear a cowboy hat.

The battle lasted an hour. Freddieo had been charging Isaac when Jordan fired the killing shot. Freddieo stiffened and fell over, crushing Bethany under his mass.

"Bethany!" Cierra yelled. "Can you do anything Isaac?" Jordan asked. "No, he is to big. We just have to wait for her to come back" Isaac sat down.

The third bubble came, turned green, then left. Bethany popped up by Freddieo, looking a little dizzy. "Bethany!" Cierra tackled her sister in a hug. Yells of joy could be heard from above.

At first, only the Acachallas and P.I.E had been watching. Then Cierra died and came back from the dead. That had got almost everyone's attention. When Isaac died, Maxwell felt a pulling sensation in his gut. After that he watched.

Everyone seemed confused when Freddieo tail was yanked. Ghost pieced it together, being familiar with that kind of power. He had watched Isaac jerk his hand, and seen the Dino's tail move the same way. Isaac coming back to life gained him powers.

When Bethany's life ended, Gertrude felt the same sensation as Maxwell. It confused her for a second, then she was distracted by the bubble taking Bethany's energy.

The big bubble now glowed purple, black, and green. "Mr. Borminerf, the dinosaur is dead" an aging woman said. "Then why is the Big Bubble only have three colors. We need to get Jordan! He has the most energy!" Mr. Borminerf growled.

"We will send in the worms to take care of business" the old woman reassured. "Good, make sure they clean up the bodies to" Mr. Borminerf turned back to the Big Bubble.

The book worms stormed into the room. Their trainer walked in behind. He looked surprised to see four people standing, instead of the expected one.

"B-b-but your dead!" he stuttered. "Well their BACK FROM THE DEAD!" Jordan yelled. Angry, the trainer pointed at Jordan "Kill them all. But he is your main target. Get them!"

The worms surged forward. Surprised, Isaac's gun discharged, hitting the trainer in the shoulder. He groaned and clenched his teeth. The gun shot motivated the Fryes into moving.

Bethany noticed that she felt more protective then usual, flinching when a worm managed to nick Jordan shoulder with it's giant fist. The force sent Jordan spinning, and he got a worm in the head with a bullet.

He saw Isaac standing still, concentrating on his shoe. Seconds later, a chair came flying down from above. A heavy form came down, crunching a worm skull.

"Guess who's back?" Papa Acachalla pulled out Anniebell and started shooting.

Hey guys, how was this chapter? Tell me in the comments. I love reading them. I always feel so happy when I see I got a comment.

What other thing do you think Bethany should get from Gertrude? Tell me, it is always cool to see what you guys can think of.

I had to watch some cute kittens today. I loved it, but it stank. Literally.

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