Chapter 38

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The VenturArmy burst out the doors. Goomba immediately took lead, with Maxwell beside him. From Homeless's arms, BMO giggled at the panicking creatures.

The Army kept in a tight group. Bethany and Gertrude slipped to the rear while Sally rejoined the running people. They shoved right through the enemy ranks and took a right.

Dragons flew above. Everyone with a gun started shooting. Toast handed Ghost an pistol. Toilet Toucher just used the one he always carried, Poopoo tossed the Mayonnaise and her grandfather threw the Watermelons.

Spencer shot his rusty braces. Just by being nicked by one of those nasty things would send a dragon to its doom.

Maxwell ignored them for the most part. He was taking his job as a body guard very seriously. Only when a dragon swooped down to pick up Isaac did the ghost take any action.

He flicked his hand and crashed the dragon into the side of a building. "Left" BMO giggled. Isaac veered in that direction, group following. He stopped "Crap" Blocking their way was an alley full of garbage cans.

"Is there any other way?" he asked BMO. "Beep bop. No, you must go left" it insisted. "I got this HomelessGoomba" Maxwell stepped in front of Isaac, and forced all the trash cans to the side.

Goomba set the pace again. "Do you know where we are going?" Maxwell whispered. "No clue. But if Jordan likes it, then it is fine" Isaac replied.

"You have a lot if trust in your brother" Maxwell said. "Well, ya. We're family" Isaac turned right again.

Maxwell was shocked by the answer. He puzzled over this in his brain.

Isaac gave him a side glance "Thanks"

Maxwell looked up "For what?"

"For clearing that alley and saving me from the dragons"

Maxwell blinked "No problem"

Some worms were fast enough to catch up with the group. The redheads killed most of them, but a certain one was too fast. It kept dodging their attacks.

Bethany glanced forward, wondering if she should asked for some help. But when she looked back, the worm was without a head, and Freddie was enjoying an on-the-go snack.

"Sally!" Gertrude yelled. "Fweddie!" Sally bounced to the back and pet her dinosaur. "Fweddie gwot hwis bwaby tweeth. Fweddie gwot hwis bwaby tweeth" she sang.

VenturArmy took some more turns.

"Lettuce Squirrels", Papa swore "how far away is this place?" "It looked pretty far on BMO's map" Jordan admitted. "It better be worth it" Acachalla growled.

"I think you'll love it. This place is going to be so good, it will be like it was made for us" Venturian grinned.

Couple turns later, Billy stumbled and fell. "Billy!" Maddie-Friend cried. He wasn't looking at where he was placing his feet an he stepped on a whiskey bottle. His foot twisted in awkward position and he went down.

Without missing a beat, Sally scooped up her older brother as she ran past. She slowed down till she was the same speed as her mom. "Mama Gertrude, my foot hurts!" Billy cried.

"It's okay baby, Mama is going to look at it" Gertrude cooed. She gently examined his ankle at a run. Jordan slowed down "How is he?"

"Just a sprain, I think. I can't be sure until we reach the new place. But to be safe, he shouldn't use his foot" Gertrude diagnosed.

"Sally can't carry him the whole way" Bethany stated. "I knwow! Fweddie cwan gwive hwim a rwide!" Sally brightened at the thought. Billy started shaking his head viscously.

Jordan and Gertrude shared a look. "Can you make sure Freddie won't eat him?" Jordan turned to Sally. "Ywes" Sally nodded.

"Good. Distract him while we try to get Billy on his back" Sally handed Billy to Jordan, then skipped to Freddie's head. "Hwello Fweddie! Hwow awre ywou twoday?" Jordan jogged closer to Freddie, Billy in his arms.

Billy crossed his arms "You are not putting me on the back of a dinosaur. I'd rather have Maddie-Friend carry me" Maddie-Friend perked up "I'll gladly carry you Billy!"

"Never mind. Get me on Freddie! Get me on Freddie!" Billy scrambled onto Freddie's back, only to slid onto his where the neck and body connect. His legs dangled on each side of Freddie's skinny neck. (If you see Syler Grimm's Epic Battle at Sunrise picture, you will know what it looks like)

"I'm impressed he managed to climb a running dinosaur with a sprained ankle" Venturian admitted.

"Then you should have seen the time he climbed the Empire State Building with two broken legs trying to get away from Maddie-Friend" Gertrude smiled at the memory.

Now that he was up there, Billy looked like he was having fun. Freddie seemed to not mind the extra weight, and didn't attack when Sally backed away.

"Look Papa! Look at me! I'm riding a dinosaur!" Billy called. Papa Acachalla glanced back and almost tripped from surprise. "That ain't good. Billy riding Freddie will end the world"

A few dragons and no worms followed them now. "Get rid of them! BMO says we are almost there!" Isaac yelled back. Cierra pulled out her rocket launcher and shot down two of them while Spencer finished off the third.

"Bop beep. Stop!" Isaac threw on the brakes. He skidded to a stop in front of an old, dingy looking hotel. Goomba glanced at BMO's screen before running inside.

The V.A ran inside, barely filling up the giant lobby. Freddie ducked low to fit in the door. Billy had to flatten himself against the brown scales in order not to be knocked off.

Johnny Ghost whistled "I expected this place to be completely run down like the outside. I did not think it would ever look like this"

The inside was clean. It had black carpet with blue, purple, and green walls. There were color coordinated chairs lined up against all the walls.

"Welcome to Hotel Tale" Jordan lead the way past the empty front desk. He pushed open the door and walked inside. The room was a small box shape, with a glass table in the middle. A door was on the other side.

"Jordan, where are we?" Cierra asked. "You know that map we were exploring the day we got sucked in Garrysville?" Jordan walked up to the table. "Yes" Bethany blinked. "This is it. BMO showed me here and I realized it was perfect for us to stay. Each character with their creator" Jordan explained.

"But the rooms didn't have any privacy. Sally, Poopoo and I can't share a room with Toast" Cierra protested. Toast blushed and Ghost elbowed him.

"Beep bop boop. I know how to fix it!" BMO jumped onto the table. He gave two small hops and the lights turned on. The glass table glowed as BMO did little jumps everywhere on it. Finally a message popped up "Switch To Hotel Mode. Accept?"

The living game boy tapped on the "yes" button. A huge groan sounded from the other door. Grinding and scraping followed. Everyone covered their ears as the noises continued.

Minutes later the noises slowed to a halt. "Beep boop. Come on" BMO hopped off the table and waddled slowly to the door. He waited for everyone to catch up before swinging open the door.

I bet you guys are getting tired of my cliff hangers. I would be too, but as author I kinda enjoy your reactions.

I noticed that nobody is really commenting anymore. Is there just nothing to comment about or am I doing something wrong?

Now, I need your guys help. What should happen next. You guys know that the BookClub needs Venturian, but I need your guys ideas on how Mr. Borminerf gets the energy. And a name for this special energy.

Give your ideas in the comments, vote, be yourself, and thanks for reading!!!

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