Chapter 35

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Next Isaac released Johnny Ghost, who wasted no time turning into Jimmy. He had a maniacal grin stretching across his face as he sliced and stabbed. "This is going to be fun, Ghost never let's me out!" Jimmy giggled.

Sally dropped down next, followed by Maloney and Princeton Quagmire. They immediately went to work. Soon everyone was down and helping, minus one snoring fat lady.

Gertrude was fighting like the crowbar master she was. No worm stood a chance. Beside her was Bethany, matching her move for move. "I guess it makes sense you can wield a crowbar. You are BethanyFrye after all" Gertrude laughed, smashing yet another worm head.

Bethany had surprised herself with this new skill. She hadn't been aware she was fighting the same as the other red head until she spoke. "I guess your right" Bethany chuckled.

Sally had gone full demon and was beside Jimmy, slashing and screaming about waffles. She looked like something out of the movies. Grey, chalky skin, glowing red eyes with black pupils, elongated fingers and nails that turned into claws.

Sharp teeth that showed when she opened her mouth. Blood dripping from her claws, Sally looked like something out of nightmares.

Everyone who had a gun was shooting, the rest were improvising.

Maloney and Quagmire were working in a tag-team. The bird-man would blind them with water, and the old man would shoot them dead. Billy had given Maddie-Friend a pistol and they were both shooting, Billy continually inching away.

Poopoo was throwing Radioactive Mayonnaise while her grandfather, Chakalatasoup was tossing Explosive Watermelons everywhere.

Aimee was looking frantically for Ghost, and randomly throwing the worms in the way if her search.

Cardboard Friend just drifted around, looking lost and yelling"Gregory, where are you Gregory?" The mighty Spencer was going around and whacking worms with his laptop.

Toast was shooting normal bullets and Sally Betty Jessica rolled off the edge and crushed some under her fat.

Maxwell was doing the most damage. With a flick if his hand, he would send fifty into the walls. He never blinked the entire time.

On the inside he was wondering why he even bothered to help. Deep down, he knew it was because HomelessGoomba/Isaac needed his help.

The worm trainer leaned against the wall, holding his shoulder. "How are they alive?" he muttered "they had to die for the energy to be taken. Yet here they are, fighting for their lives once again"

Finally, it happened. A worm managed to sneak up behind Jordan and punch his back. An audible snap followed by a moan rang. The moment Jordan hit the ground, an bubble surrounded him.

"No you don't" Papa Acachalla grumbled. He lowered his shoulder and charged like a bear. He hit the bubble when it was only halfway full. Both things bounced back. Acachalla got knocked into the last worm, and the blue bubble floated to the Big Bubble.

"What? Only halfway full? Oh well. It still has enough to activate" Mr. Borminerf scrunched his eyebrows, then grabbed a lever and pulled. Jordan popped back, holding his head.

Everybody rushed to him. "Jordan!" Cierra tackled him with a hug. "Ow" Jordan groaned. Cierra immediately let go "Sorry!" she squeaked. "It wasn't you. Dying is more painful then I thought" Jordan rubbed his back.

"Thank goodness for Tommy's gift" Isaac breathed. "Tommy's gift? When did you see Tommy?" Papa Acachalla overheard.

"You know that strange man that came to talk to us?" Papa nodded. "Well, that was Tommy. He gave us the gift of coming back from the dead" Bethany explained.

"That makes sense" Acachalla glanced around. "There is more. He kinda had to copy it off a person. He told us after our first death that we would gain some of their abilities and characteristics" Bethany continued.

"Who did you copy off then?" Gertrude wanted to know. "You" Bethany said. She was shocked. "I choose Sally!" Cierra broke in. "Awww, Waffle Swister!" Sally walked up and hugged an unafraid Cierra.

"I did Maxwell" Isaac shrugged "and I feel the need to wear a cowboy hat"

Maxwell stared at his creator, surprise in his eyes. "I picked Johnny Ghost" Jordan said. Jimmy blinked in shocked, pausing his rampage of disfiguring bodies.

He stumbled back, only to come back as Ghost. Relieved, Toast scrambled to stand at his boss's side. "Are you sure that was smart? Because you know, the other guy" Ghost asked.

"That is the reason why I choose you. Tommy said if I picked you, I still will get Jimmy, but much less then if I had chosen him" Jordan smiled at him. Ghost blinked.

"We better get out" Officer Maloney warned. The room started to shake as humming filled the air. "Lets go!" yelled Billy. Jordan started heading to the door. An almost line formed behind him.

His siblings came first, followed by Papa Acachalla and Gertrude, walking hand in hand. Billy shuffled beside a normal looking Sally, with Maddie-Friend holding onto his leg.

Spencer mumbled behind them, staring at his busted laptop "This computer was totally unlegit anyway" Sue chuckled behind his back.

Officer Maloney guided a suddenly now unbalanced Princeton Quagmire. Chakalatasoup and Poopoo linked arms as they walked behind.

Ghost and Toast followed, be haunted by two ghosts. One chattering in French and the other staring into Johnny Ghost's soul with unblinking eyes. Maxwell floated reluctantly at the rear of the pack.

They left Sally Betty Jessica on the floor, knowing she would be fine.

The worm trainer sent them a furious glare as they trudged past. Nothing was in the halls.

When Maxwell disappeared from his sight, worm trainer pulled out a walkie talkie. "Sir"

"What!" Mr. Borminerf snapped, annoyed somebody interrupted.

"They are alive"

"Impossible. We have their energy. How are they still alive?"

"I overheard them saying that Tommy's gift was letting them come back from the dead" the worm trainer shifted, groaning.

"Are you hurt?" Mr. Borminerf asked attentively.

"One of the YouTubers got my shoulder before they killed all the worms and went out the door" the trainer admitted.

"Get to the healing room. We will send some level two minions after them" the boss ordered before cutting connection.

The Big Bubble now was glowing all four of the colors. It slightly shook as it lifted couple feet in the air. Big Bubble flashed, before turning completely black and landing with a thump.

Mr. Borminerf grinned, perfect. Except for one thing. He turned to a dark corner. "You heard. Are you ready to send out your minions Prince Fang?"

Ha! How many of you were expecting Prince Fang? I wasn't either, until I got close to the end. I just love cliff hangers.

Hmm, is it bad if you can't really think of anything to say in a authors note, but want to write something? I don't know.

Btw keep the comments coming. I love them!

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