Chapter 54

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3rd POV

"I'm booorreeeeedddd" Sky whined. "And?" Maloney looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow. "Aaand I need you to entertain me" Sky stretched out.

He was finished with Minecraft for a while. Constantly playing it for twenty four hours could do such a thing.

Maloney was stuck babysitting while everyone else went outside for fast-food. He had never cared for burgers and fries, so he and BMO stayed.

"No" Maloney turned his attention back to his reading material. "Entertain me!" Sky flopped over. Maloney ignored him.

After several minutes of this, Sky lost patience. Grabbing a pillow, he threw it, knocking Maloney's book out of his hands. It clattered to the floor.

"Hey!" Maloney jumped up "What was that for!"

"Give me of the entertainment!" Sky growled. There was an intense stare off till somebody cracked. "Fine" Maloney sighed, but secretly was glad for something else to do.

"Pillow fight?"

"Na. Ribs are still too fragile"

Maloney checked a couple of things off his list. "Singing contest?"

"Don't feel like it. And this voice is really terrible" (Which is a lie. He actually has a surprisingly good voice)

"Fashion show? Never mind. I would win without even walking onstage. And that wouldn't be fair for you"

Sky sent him a glare.

"We could play Don't Get Killed By The Dinosaur"

Freddie roared from his corner.

"Lets try to stay away from all death defying stunts and activities"

"Hmm... coloring?"

Sky considered it. "Why not?" he shrugged. "Beep bop. Can I color with you guys?" BMO asked, sneaking up like an ninja.

"Sure, it will be fun" Maloney agreed. "Bop boop. Yay!" BMO waddled away, returning burdened with the glorious books and crayons.

Sky reached and grabbed the top one off the stack. "Of course" he shook his head "a Minecraft coloring book. How ironic"

Maloney snatched one "Ha! Look at that. Birds" He glanced at BMO "Coloring utensils?" The reply was a whole bunch of crayons on his face.

Maloney spit a purple crayon out of his mouth "Thanks BMO" "Bop beep. No problem" The game boy gave him a wry grin.

"Hey BMO, can you pass me some crayons?" He passed some over to Sky, receiving a glare from Maloney. "What?" BMO asked innocently.

Sky snorted. Then his face changed "BMO, how did you pick up... you know what, never mind" He grabbed a green wax stick and viscously scribbled on his paper.

"With this group, some questions are better not asked" Maloney stole a yellow from Sky, who noticed. "Hey!" he slapped Maloney hand "Don't steal my butter crayon!"

"What is so special about gold?" Maloney rubbed his grasper. "IT IS NOT GOLD, IT'S BUTTER!" Sky yelled. The other man blinked and scooted away.

Sky glared at him. "Fine. It's butter" Maloney admitted. Sky gave a satisfied snort before grabbing a blue crayon. "Anger issues much" Maloney muttered.


"What?" Maloney swung to face him.

"I have the bi-polar disorder. Where I am either super happy or really depressed" Sky never look up.


Like always, uncomfortable silence followed the small "oh"

"Bep beep. Look" BMO proudly held up his page. Unsurprisingly, he had taken an Adventure Time coloring book, and had scribbled out everything but himself.

"That is really good BMO" Living game boy smiled at Maloney's praise. "Oo! Oo! What about me?" Sky revealed an half colored running Steve with a diamond pickaxe.

"Not bad. And mine?" Maloney showed a fully illustrated, colored to the best detail, and facts written on the sides drawing.

"Eh, not as good as BMO's" Sky evaluated. Maloney spluttered. BMO's coloring was literately the way of a two year olds. Grab a color and see how fast you can move your hand. And make the giant circle.

"Beep boop. Yay!" BMO stood and did a little dance. "I'm not talking to you" Maloney turned his back to Sky, who just laughed.

Doors slammed open. When the machine guns didn't appear, Maloney knew the group was back.

"Hey guys!" he and Sky called out in unison. Venturian stumbled through the doorway, pushed by Homeless. He nearly dropped his McDonald's Happy Meal (cause he's an adult).

Everyone else swarmed in. The Acachallas had gone to Wendy's, P.I.E had stopped at a Café Rio where Toast knew a girl who worked there, Chakalata and Poopoo had "improved" their In-and-Out meals greatly, and the rest were eating Arby's and Panda Express.

Princeton Quagmire walked over with two Arby's bags.

"Here" he grunted "I know you don't like fast-found, but Gertrude said she wouldn't be cooking anything today. Others think I'm just a hog, but I care for my people" Maloney gratefully took the bag.

Someone had given Sky McDonalds and he was happily munching away on a hamburger. Papa had fourteen bags to himself and was already half way done. Sally had gone to IHOP and actually looked content.

"Perfect" was the word going through Maloney's head.


3rd POV


"The worms and dragons are still searching. We have searched two if the three diligently. All that is left is Abandoned City map" Worm trainer reported.

Prince Fang hissed, unhappy about his chance to report being stollen.

Mr. Borminerf smiled "Good. Just in case, go over the two other ones. You must have missed something. That is one thing I can count on from you two bumbling idiots"

Worm Trainer grounded his teeth as Prince Fang gave an mental hiss. "Soon" the dragon prince thought.

Oooo, what is Prince Fang thinking of? I know it is late again, sorry. Laziness. We all know how it is.

Still hard to believe we are over fifty chapters. I remember thinking thirty was huge.

And we are over 21,000 views! Yay!! Thank you people reading!





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