Chapter 39

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Warning: Lots of Describing Going On In This Chapter And I Don't Describe Well Sometimes.

"Why is it so dark?" Papa Acachalla asked. "Beep boop. Cause the lights are off stupid" BMO clapped his stick hands together. "Oh" Papa said weakly as the lights flickered on.

They were in a cube shaped room. It had thirty feet of space between the ground and the ceiling, and each was about a hundred feet long.

The carpet coloring formed a giant version of the emblem. Yellow couches, red beanbags, and solitary brown chairs were littered across the floor. An holding pen for Freddie was placed in a corner between two walls.

On the walls were doors. There were three rows of doors, and three doors in each row. There was a balcony for each row, all connected to a staircase on both ends of the wall.

Each wall was painted a different color. A blue wall for Venturian, green for Bethany, purple for Immortal, and an entire black wall for Goomba.

"Wow, this is amazing! How do you know all that stuff BMO?" Bethany looked down at the game boy.

"Bop beep. I found it a week ago. Been playing with it. I was exploring when I saw you guys get kidnapped. Follow you to factory. I wait for you to get out. Follow you back to Acachallas home. Heard that you need a new base so I volunteered my place. Enjoy your stay" BMO explained, the wandered off.

"Hey Jordan, these doors already have names on them!" Isaac yelled from the very middle door on the black wall. "Isaac!" Jordan yelled. "Hey! You were just standing there. I went to explore" Isaac defended himself.

"Check it out, Maxwell is next to me, and so is Billy! Sue is above me and Toilet Toucher below " Homeless opened his door and slipped inside.

His room was black, yellow, red, and blue. He had a destructible house and some TNT. All kinds of Rubix cubes laid around, waiting to be solved. His bed was a giant Rubix cube with the bottom rows cut out. In place was a bed.

He also had a mini shooting range with multiple kinds of weapons. A giant game station with every game possible was also there. There was also his own personal bathroom.

Isaac ran back out "Its perfect!" he yelled, before running back in. The rest of V.A was ready to go. 'What are you waiting for?" Jordan asked.

The group split up as everyone ran to their respective walls. "Wait Sally" Venturian called. The waffle addict bounced back "What? I wawna swee mwy woom!" "Before that can you help get Billy off Freddie, then put him in his cage?"


Wasting no time, Sally distracted Freddie while Billy slid off. Gertrude caught him and carried him to Ven/Goomba staircase. Billy's room looked exactly like Isaac's, but without the Rubix cubes.

Sally lead Freddie to the Immortal/Bethany corner, where his pen was. Freddie charged into it, and immediately started to eat some meat. Sally locked the door tight before fleeing to her room.

Sally's had a giant fridge filled with waffles. The walls were mahogany color and had waffle stickers covering them. All of her furniture had waffle designs. Even in her bathroom. Her bed was shaped as a waffle, but the middle was a circle bed. Sally almost cried when she saw it.

Cierra's bedroom was purple, blue, and yellow. It had the whole gaming thing, a giant fridge, her own bathroom with the blue stuff, lots of Pokémon stuff, and a Pokéball bed. Her Batman emblem was plastered on one purple wall.

Poopoo's looked like her restaurant back at home, but with an oven bed. Chakalatasoup's was the same.

Maddie-Friends had the green, crowbars, Billy posters, and a closet full of I <3 Billy shirts. Gertrude was the same, but without the shirts. Instead she had an entire kitchen to cook in.

Aimee's room didn't have a fridge, bathroom, or bed. It just had posters of France and Johnny Ghost.

Ghost's room was grey and blue. He had the required stuff and a corner full of ghost hunting machinery. The other corner had human shaped dummies and an impressive collection of knives. Hearing his excitement, Ghost let Jimmy have some fun.

Toast had the same things, but instead of knives he had a whiskey. Papa Acachalla had beer, lots of shotguns plus a shooting range, an ever playing TV stuck on the sports channel with a thousand remotes, and a really big couch.

Officer Maloney's room looked like a police station with a bird city connected to the roof. Quagmire's looked like a bar from the ol' west, complete with glasses full of milk. Both men had a shooting range and extra guns.

Spencer's was full of computers. Old, new, hacking required, free entry, and holoscreen. All with World of Warcraft installed. The absolute nerd was in heaven.

Jordan's room was blue, yellow, and red. Like all of the rooms, he had a bathroom, closet, fridge, gaming system, TV, and a bed. Venturian's bed was shaped as the emblem. He had a shooting range with one straw dummy and a smaller blade collection.

Sue had a normal looking room. The unusual thing in his was a whole variety of mask shampoo in the bathroom.

Maxwell's room was the second most oddly designed. He just had giant wooden blocks that re-spawned after he destroyed them.

The winner of weirdest rooms goes to Toilet Toucher, for a room that had nothing but blue- stuff-free toilets.

Everyone else had the blue stuff in their Johns. Box Friend didn't have a room. It didn't need one.

Venturian wandered down to the main lobby. He sat at the big wooden table in the middle of the room. They must have taken this as a sign. Soon all of the VenturArmy had gathered and was sitting.

They sat as they usually do. The YouTubers (Isaac, Jordan, Bethany, Cierra) sat next to each other, so did the Acachallas (Papa, Gertrude, Billy, Sally, Maddie-Friend, Sue, and Spencer), P.I.E(The Johnnys), the Law Enforcers(Maloney and Princeton Quagmire),Ghosts(Maxwell, Aimee, and Cardbordbox Friend) floated around while the Odd Squad(Toilet Toucher,BMO, Poopoo, and Chakalatasoup) sat comfortable.

Toucher had been given a special seat, a toilet. Nobody ever tried to steal his seat.

Jordan looked surprised at the gathering "How does everyone like their rooms?" he asked. Everyone tried to talk at once. He managed to make out a few positive words from the whole mumble jumble.

"BMO, how come the rooms are made specifically for each of us?" Jordan yelled at the game boy over the noise.

"Beep boop. You were scanned the moment you walked in. The computer matched what you like into a certain room" BMO explained. Jordan nodded. Then he stood up.

"Everyone" Venturian yelled. No-one heard him over the babble.

"Everyone!" he tried again. Nothing again.

"SHUT UP!" That got them quiet. A few of the more sensitive ones looked offended. "Okay. Everybody get a good night sleep. Tomorrow we start to prepare. We will have another meeting in the morning"

Jordan looked around, seeing if anyone disagreed. Nobody did.

Hey guys, how was today's chapter. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, went to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. I loved it! One of the best movies ever!

More apologies to those who were bored by this chapter. I know it wasn't the most fun chapter, but a necessary one.

Tell me your thoughts of the new base in the comments. Maybe some more name ideas for the energy. I only had two and they are both good. But it is nice to see if anyone else as some ideas.

Vote, comment, and see you next time!

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