Chapter 20

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"How could I miss! He is right there!" Jimmy fumed. The knife was dead on, but four inches to the left. The crunch was from the knifes impact with the tile.

Jordan let out a sigh of relief. Jimmy glared at him "I don't know how you did it, but this time you won't make me miss. Knifey can promise you that"

Jimmy lifted his knife and stabbed again. He missed, again. Angry, Jimmy started to stab fast. Not bothering to aim directly.

Each time was the same. The knife came straight down, only to curve to either side when close to Jordan's neck.

"How!" , Casket screamed "I rarely miss the first time, much less after this many!" Jordan just looked relieved.

Isaac, Cierra, and Bethany all let out a sigh. Toast just looked confused. "How could Mr. Casket not kill Jordan, when he could kill Ghost's own mother?" he puzzled.

Jimmy glanced at the rest of the Fryes and an idea popped into his head. He got off Jordan and offered him a hand up.

Jordan took it and Jimmy pulled him up. Then he tightened his grip on Jordan's hand.

"Since I seem to be unable to kill you, I guess two people can know my secret. So that means, bye bye family!" Jimmy cackled, throwing the knife at Cierra's head. "No!" Jordan yelled.

The program that protected Jordan from Jimmy's knife also worked on Johnny Toast.

Without thinking, Toast stepped in front of Cierra. Being taller, the blade pierced his shoulder instead of his head.

Toast gasped and held his shoulder. "BLOOD, BLOOD!" Jimmy laughed, before noticing the damage.

"Oh, I hit Toast. I've got to go now. Ghost is throwing a giant tantrum. You don't want to know what he is calling me right now"

Jimmy blinked and when they opened his eyes were golden-brown again. He tanned right before their eyes, and gained some weight.

Johnny Ghost was back.

"Are you alright Johnny Ghost?" he immediately walked up to his partner. "Just peachy Sir" Toast said through clenched teeth.

"Don't lie to me Johnny. Prepare yourself, this might hurt" Ghost grabbed the handle and slowly pulled out the knife.

Toast groaned through his teeth. "You were right Sir, that was very painful" His British accent was nearly gone from the pain. Ghost stuffed the knife into a knife holder strapped to his belt.

"What were you thinking Johnny Toast, stepping in the way of the knife. You could have seriously hurt yourself" Ghost scolded as he started bandaging Toast wound.

"Hey!" Cierra interrupted "he saved my life!" Ghost looked at her "I know, but Toast is like the brother I never had"

"Thank you Sir, I'm honored that you think that way" Toast thanked him. Ghost stood up "All done" On Toast's shoulder was a nicely done bandage.

"Now" Ghost turned to the quite Fryes "How do you know that I am Jimmy Casket?" He folded his arms.

He looked at them one at a time. The Fryes all avoided his eyes. "We followed the clues" Bethany finally blurted out.

"Clues?" Ghost switched his gaze from Isaac to Bethany. "Ya" Bethany looked uncomfortable "Where ever you went personally, Casket murders always seemed to follow"

"And you do look like him" Cierra added. Ghost nodded.

"Do you plan on telling anybody?" Johnny Ghost questioned. "We have known for a while. If we wanted to tell, then it would have already happened" Jordan put in.

Ghost turned his gaze onto him "Sorry about trying to kill you. Jimmy doesn't like people knowing his secret"

"It's fine" Jordan said.

"Now make sure you guys keep it a secret. Don't want anybody getting hurt" Johnny warned.

"Do not worry, we sure plan on it" Isaac reassured then asked "Why do you still have Jimmy's knife?"

"It is a arrangement, he leaves Toast alone, and I always pick and keep the knife" Ghost explained.

Two days later they left. The combined efforts of the Fryes and connections of P.I.E have left the house just the way it was. Ghost left with a reminder warning.

The Fryes were doing a movie marathon when they heard another car engine. They all looked at each other "I'm not seeing who it is!" Jordan quickly said.

"You don't need to!" Billy happily cried, hoping into the room.

"Did we miss anything?" Papa Acachalla stumbled into the room. He grabbed the remote a turned on a sports game.

"Nope" Jordan said, popping the "p"

Hey guys, thanks for reading. Here is a little longer chapter to make up for yesterday's short one. We almost have 500 views! So many! Go check out my friend's (CoCo_Writes) books and vote!

And if you checked out this book because if her, then good for you! Keep listening to her! And thank you for listening to her advice. If you haven't, then gooooooooo! Go to heeeerrrrr!

Vote, comment, I still need ideas of who to meet, and see you guys next time!

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