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—— paper rings
( her world falls apart when she
gets involved in a treasure and one
boy vows to put it back together )



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SYNOPSIS . . . !

Athena Josephine Cameron was a kook.

The kook princess actually. Well that's what everyone calls her and her twin, Sarah Elizabeth Cameron. The two blondes had grown up surrounded by money, their dad gave them everything they could ever want. And while basked in the lifestyle with her kook boyfriend Topper Thornton, Athena didn't. She felt, out of place like she didn't belong. Yes she may wear all the clothes her family buys for her and she loves to drive the jeep her dad gifted her but she felt as if she had earned it.

Instead of looking down on the people who lived on the 'cut', she helped them in anyway she could. She helped the staff in her own house clean and cook and every weekend she would travel to the cut and help Heyward deliver groceries and other inhabitants clean up, free of charge. Over time, she had even managed to get kook families to donate money for her to give to people on the cut so they could actually eat properly.

She did this by telling kook families different stories. If a man answered the door, she would smile sweetly and tell him some story about needing money for some new shoes, they would never listen to the story, only stare at her but they handed the money over anyway. And if a women opened the door, she would start crying about a distant family member, who was ill and needed money for their hospital bills that her father didn't know about.

No matter what story she told, they would always hand over the money and it made Athena happy. Happy that she could help people. You see, she tried to be like her sister and the rest of her family. But she couldn't. Being surrounded by all of that money but no one else, she felt... lonely.

But one day, while she's working at a kook hotel, she gets whisked up in helping the pogues to on a wild treasure hunt, in search for the leader's father.

And when the blond boy officially hangs out with the girl he had a crush on for years, he finds it hard to admit that maybe he wasn't over to begin with and starts to fall for the Cameron girl once more, despite his beliefs on kooks and pogues. While Athena doesn't share the same philosophies, she starts to fall for him too, equally as hard.

With brewing romances, new friends, sketchy family members, a treasure hunt, heartbreaks and lots of tears, Athena hopes she'll finally find a place she belongs.

With brewing romances, new friends, sketchy family members, a treasure hunt, heartbreaks and lots of tears, Athena hopes she'll finally find a place she belongs

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PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now