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chapter thirty two
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter thirty twoI MISS YOU┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Athena sat on the roof of her house. It was Sarah and Athena's secret place. Not many people knew they could get up on the roof of the Cameron house, it being something Sarah and Athena had found out when they were younger. The twins were messing around, playing hide and seek, when Sarah climbed out of her window onto a ledge that led onto the roof, where she sat until Athena gave up.

Sarah showed her sister the place where she was hiding, the two claiming it as their secret spot where no one else was allowed. It was the place the two went when they wanted to talk to each other in private without anyone overhearing, it was the place they would sneak to when they were grounded as technically they never went out, it was also the place where to two watched the star together.

The only other person they had shown the spot to was Wheezie, the three sisters stargazing together on some occasions. Athena knew Sarah had brought Topper onto the roof before but only just near her window, no where near their spot, Sarah knowing that it was for the Cameron girls only.

Athena sat in front of the chimney, staring at the engraved letters she carved into it. The box in front full of sentimental things was in her lap, ready for her to leave it there. She had written 'Sarah Cameron' on the chimney with a heart and then their birthyear and the years she died.

The box on her lap contained multiple things; a picture of Sarah, a picture of Sarah, Athena and Wheezie, a few of the funny notes they had written and thrown to each other in class when they were supposed to be paying attention, a friendship bracelet Athena hadn't yet given to her sister and Sarah's 'S' necklace that she forgot to put on when she died. Athena picked up her twins necklace, staring at it as a few tears fell down her cheek.

"I miss you already." Athena spoke aloud. "That sounds so pathetic but it's true, I miss you so much. Wheezie has been trying to make it seem like everything is normal and like you're still here but it isn't working."

Athena let out a breath as she cried, "You know, I thought that when I helped Pope and everyone get into the hotel and then went with them to steal a drone that this... treasure hunt would be fun and exciting and I-it was, it was so fun and I love the pogues so much but I never thought it would end like this."

"I never thought it would end in you and John B dying a-and yet for some unbeknown reason I still don't think it's ended. I mean, the gold is still out there, I-it's in the Bahamas and we could get it but I don't think any of us could do it with you two. None of the others are okay either, they pretend they are but I know they're falling apart. Especially JJ. Everyone keeps accusing John B like he's a killer when he's dead. I thought we were supposed to respect the dead but I guess that's just kooks for you."

"I always thought that when you died, in many many years times, my whole life would fall apart but it hasn't... yet. Yeah it's been hard but I haven't like locked myself in my room and shunned myself from the world. Maybe it's because it hasn't fully hit me yet or maybe it's because there's something in, some force, some feeling, twin tuition, that tells me you're still out there. That maybe you survived."

"It probably isn't true but I'm going to pretend it is because that is so much less painful than knowing you are never coming home."

Athena was practically sobbing, the thought that her twin sister may really never come home hitting her once more at full force. After the night they were told the police thought they were dead, Athena had been numb to crying, not really feeling anything bad, pretending life was all okay and that Sarah was just on an extended holiday somewhere.

She, and everyone around her, knew it was a horrible coping mechanism but they didn't say anything, she had just lost her twin sister. But sometimes when she saw pictures of Sarah or late at night when she was sat in her room alone, it would hit her all over again and all the walls and the façade would break and she would sit there sobbing for hours on end until she couldn't possibly produce anymore tears.

Athena picked the photo of her, Sarah and Wheezie up, hugging it to her chest as she cried before she leant forward, pressing her forward to the makeshift grave just like her and Sarah used to do.

"For all eternity." Athena whispered, dropping the photo back into the box and standing up. She carefully made her way of the roof, climbing into her bedroom before wiping her tears and picking up the black dress Rose had laid out on her bed, quickly getting ready for Peterkin's funeral.

"Though she is now departed, let us honour her bravery and sacrifice in the line of duty." The minister spoke as Athena stood in front of her dad.

She didn't want to go to the funeral with her family, the blonde just wanting to hang out with the pogues, hell she'd eve take a tutoring session with Pope over standing with her father as if she was on their side. But a woman did die.

Peterkin was a good person, a good sheriff and had a good heart. She didn't deserve to die, Athena knew that and yet she did, right in front of her. So there she was remembering the amazing woman that was Susan Peterkin.

"Through her memory,, let us pursue what is just and right. As we commit her body to the ground, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we shall remember to uphold the ideas which we stood for." The minister continued.

Athena looked around, catching sight of Shoupe staring at the family before she turned, watching as a detective also stared at the family, more specifically her father.

She noticed the suspicious glint in their eyes making her eyes widen slightly. She smiled slightly before it dropped, her quickly remembering where she was. They had hopefully figured it out.

They might get some justice.


welcome to season two !!!! i cannot wait for this season and all the angst it brings !!
also please welcome as of next chapter badass Athena :))
happy reading

𝗜𝗦𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗦welcome to season two !!!! i cannot wait for this season and all the angst it brings !!also please welcome as of next chapter badass Athena :))happy reading

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PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now