024. i love you

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chapter twenty fourI LOVE YOU

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chapter twenty four

"Welcome to crackhead wasteland

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"Welcome to crackhead wasteland."

The announcement was made by Sarah as the six teenagers arrived at a beat down trailer park. It was dark, run down and honestly just the sight alone made Athena's skin crawl. Never would she be able to imagine Rafe coming here to feed his addiction.

"I don't know about this, man." Pope muttered yet Athena could see from the crazed look in JJ's eyes that he had already made up his mind in whatever he was going to do. As the van came to an abrupt stop Pope spoke up again. "Dude, why are we at Barry's?"

JJ double checked the id in his hand to made sure he had the right address before he opened the door to the van, walking inside towards Barry's front porch. "This'll only take a second."

"Where you going?" John B questioned, concerned about his best friend's irrational behaviour.

"Yo soy justicia." JJ replied in spanish, spinning around and walking into Barry's house without another look back.

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asked, looking around the group. They were all still trying to process what was going on around them.

"You know somebody should probably—" Kie muttered. Athena sighed moving to jump out of the car and go after JJ when John B stopped her.

"I got it." He reassured. Athena nodded, watching as John B entered the house after JJ.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" Sarah questioned upon looking over at Athena's worried expression.

"No. It's definitely not." She replied. Sarah gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze in response.

"He'll be fine." She whispered. Athena was not so sure.

"All right!" JJ's cheery voice called as he approached the group with a bag of money in his hands. "So we're looking at five grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit. Sorry about that y'all."

JJ began to count the money as if he was about to hand it out.

"So that's what we're going now?" Kiara asked shooting JJ a disapproving look. "We're robbing drug dealers?"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now