005. helping you not get caught

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chapter fivehelping you not get caught

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chapter five
helping you not get caught

The next day, Athena woke up to Dorota opening her curtains

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The next day, Athena woke up to Dorota opening her curtains. The woman smiled at Athena as she sat up slowly before leaving the room. Athena slowly made her way out of bed, walking towards her wardrobe. She opened the door, once again staring at the clothes on the other side. She picked out a white playsuit with flowers outlined in black. The waistband was under her bust and it looked more like a dress, which was all a part of why she loved it so much.

She put on all her jewellery, and tied her hair half up, pulling a few strands out to frame her face. Athena then left her room, walking down the stairs and grabbing her black high-top converse. The girl decided late last night that she didn't feel like going to the beach clean-up today with Sarah, Topper and all their kook friends and so she thought she'd help out at a local hotel she worked at.

She walked into the kitchen to see her dad making a sandwich. He looked up at her as she entered, "Hi sweetie."

"Hey dad." Athena greeted him.

"Where are you off to?" Ward asked her.

"The hotel." Athena told the man.

"Want me to drop you off?" He offered.

Athena turned to him from where she was grabbing a chocolate bar from the cupboard, "I'd love that."

"Okay, meet me at the car, I'll be there in a second." He threw the car keys towards her, the blonde catching them. Athena then stared at the keys in her hand in shock, her mouth dropped slightly, actually surprised she caught it.

"I caught them." Athena stated. "Did you see that?"

"I did." Ward laughed slightly. "Well done Athena, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." Athena smiled, turning and bouncing out the kitchen and towards the front door happily, eating her chocolate bar as she did. The girl opened the door, making her way over to the car, which she unlocked before sliding into the passengers seat.

A few moments later, her dad opened the driver's side door, sitting in his seat as he held his hand out for the keys. Athena passed her father the car keys, to which he thanked her, starting to car and beginning to drive towards the hotel. Athena sung along to her playlist, which she had already plugged in, Taylor Swift blasting through the speakers loudly.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now