58 | HEY, LUKE

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chapter fifty eight
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter fifty eight HEY LUKE!┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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"This'll only take a sec. I think it's in the surf shack. yeah, it's in the surf shack." JJ pressed a kiss to Athena's cheek., jumping out of the car once they reached the chateau. "I'll be right back. Got it. Be right out."

"Okay, be—" Athena began, gasping as JJ flew over one of the tires in the middle of the yard. "Safe."

"I'm okay!" He stated, coming up quickly and hurrying into John B's shed. Athena hummed as she waited for him, looking around the car.

"Hey Athena." Kie spoke up form the back. "What's this?"

"Uh, I believe that is a photo of JJ and Pope trying to kiss each other." The two girls laughed. "Totally more than a bromance."

The two sat in silence for a few more moments, JJ taking far too long for their liking, Athena honking the horn as Kie shouted, "JJ!"

Then JJ appeared, the two turning to smile at him until they took note of the man walking behind JJ. Luke Maybank.

"What the frick?" Kie asked, getting out the car, Athena following. "Immediately no."

"Don't think I've met this one." Luke stated looking at Athena, a cheeky grin on his face.

"I've got this." JJ stated, pushing Luke towards the jeep. "Get in the car."

"I'm sorry, the twinkie's drowning right now, JJ." Kie spoke exasperatedly. "What is the plan?"

"What the hell, JJ?" Athena asked, watching her boyfriend put the stuff in the car. "What is the plan here? He's a dick. Ima kick his ass."

"Listen to me." JJ grabbed hold of her arms, the pair standing in front of the jeep as Kie stood close. "I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There's a boat there he can take. You got the sticker on your jeep, and you have the card to prove it. Twenty minutes, that's all I need."

"You don't owe him anything." Athena told the blonde.

"And the twinkie's gonna be a submarine in twenty minutes." Kie piped up.

"I know Kie!" JJ exclaimed before turning back to Athena, his eyes softening. "And I know I don't owe him shit but the cops are after him and if I do this now, maybe I'll never have to do it again."

"This is the last time I'm letting you risk your life for something that isn't worth it, okay?" Athena shook her head.

"Yes, ma'am." JJ nodded, climbing into the jeep, Athena jumping in the car, placing her hands on the steering wheel as she looked towards Kiara in the mirror.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now