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chapter forty seven
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter forty sevenPAPER RINGS┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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"Athena! Thena!" Sarah scrambled over to her sister as Topper punched Rafe once more. "Athena hey you have to wake up."

Sarah coughed as she shook her twin's body, praying she awoke. Topper rushed over a moment later.

"Athena." He tapped the side of her face, quickly checking if she definitely had a pulse before doing it again. "Athena!"

Athena's eyes fluttered open, a light gasp leaving her lips before it turned to a groan. Sarah let out an audible sigh of relief, leaning forward to hug her sister, who happily reciprocated it. Sarah then turned to Topper, bringing him in for a hug also. Athena's eyes then go wide, looking around before turning to Topper.

"Hey, Topper? What... what time is it?" She asked the boy as he guided the two to his boat.

"Uh... eleven." Topper told her, checking his phone.

"I need to find JJ." Athena stated, the two looking at her strangely.


"I just, I need to find JJ. He had... a plan. I just really need to find him." Athena explained.

"No, you two need some rest, okay?" Topper smiled. Athena and Sarah shared a bed in a boat house Topper took them too, both getting some well deserved rest. Athena woke up the next morning significantly earlier than usual, just like she did whenever she was away from home.

She grabbed her phone, seeing multiple missed calls and messages from all three pogues. Athena looked at Sarah's sleeping form, knowing she needed some sleep, looking around the room before she grabbed a random piece of paper that was laying on the floor, a pen near it.

Athena scribbled down a note for her sister to find when she eventually woke up, leaving it on the bed before shoving her shoes on and making her way out of the boat house and back towards the Chateau.

When Athena arrived, she noticed the lack of people, and the Twinkie sat in the driveway. She furrowed her eyebrows when she heard voices coming from the dock, seeing them all there — including John B. Athena smiled, taking off in a run as she approached the group.

"We need to find them." She heard JJ state.

"Yeah I mean what if something happened to them." John B added.

"Thena! You're alive." Pope exclaimed being the first one to notice the blonde, the rest following his eyesight.

"JB you're out!" Athena smiled, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Did JJ's masterplan work or something?"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now