009. they hit us, we hit them

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chapter ninethey hit us, we hit them

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chapter nine
they hit us, we hit them

The next day, Athena had awoken to only Sarah in the bed, Wheezie was already up and probably downstairs annoying someone

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The next day, Athena had awoken to only Sarah in the bed, Wheezie was already up and probably downstairs annoying someone. The blonde slipped out of bed, making her way back to her own bedroom to get changed and ready for the day. She opened her wardrobe, grabbing a plain black bikini and putting it on before putting a blue mini ruffle dress over the top.

She tied her hair into a messy ponytail, putting her white high top converse on with it. She then made her way over to her vanity where her jewellery sat. She put on her variety of rings (ones she had been gifted from mainly her dad), her bracelets (including her and Sarah's matching friendship bracelet, the bracelet Rafe had brought her. She also had her matching bracelet with Wheezie and her pandora bracelet from Rose.) She finally placed her friendship bracelet from Kie on, the purple and white standing out against the silvers of her other jewellery but she didn't care.

The girl then bounced down the stairs to find Rose sat in the kitchen. The woman smiled at the girl, "I'm heading to the Country Club with Cassandra if you'd like to join us."

"Sure." Athena shrugged. It wasn't like she had anything better to do with her time so why not go eat lunch with her step mother. The two girls made their way towards Rose's car, the woman driving them to the country club.

Rose greeted her friend Cassandra outside, the three walking in together and being seated at a table looking over the golf course. Athena was laughing at something as she ate her chips, listening to the two woman gossip about other Kook parents right in front of her. However, as Athena took a sip of her pink lemonade movement caught her attention.

She looked over to see someone was being beaten up on the path next to the golf course. Athena's eyebrows furrowed, there was some brutal fights on the golf course because some kooks were far too competitive but something about this fight seemed off, like it wasn't about golf. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look when she realised it was Topper stood a bit behind Rafe, who was hitting Pope with his golf club.

"Excuse me." Athena quickly excused herself from the two ladies. "I'll be back."

They nodded as she rushed away from the table, down the stairs and straight onto the path headed to where her brother and his friend stood. "Rafe! Oh my god!"

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