006. i'm not the mum friend

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chapter sixi'm not the mum friend

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chapter six
i'm not the mum friend

"Pope we're not stealing the drone, we're borrowing it

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"Pope we're not stealing the drone, we're borrowing it."

The group were driving towards the scrapyard, and John B was trying to reassure Pope that they weren't doing anything particularly wrong, considering the boy had been protesting about the plan since they left the hotel. Pope had moved to sit next to Athena, to which she was happy about, turning around to lean against the back of Kie's chair and put her legs over his lap. The boy had his arms crossed dramatically while staring out the window, attitude clear on his face.

"Humans are the only animal that can tell fantasy from reality." Pope recited.

"Did you come up with that?" John B asked him.

"Was that Albert Bernstein?" Athena questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Pope smiled, pointing at her. "See, another reason why she fits in here, she is smarter than you lot."

Athena let out a laugh. She may not be good at maths or physics or... most school subjects, but she was good at quotes and who said them. She could tell you who said any random obscure quote, or sung any song lyrics. She didn't know why really, probably because she watched a lot of documentaries as a child because it's what Dorota loved to watch.

"And like Thena said, Albert Bernstein came up with that but it applies to this whole treasure hunting thing." Pope answered John B.


"So which is it," Pope continued. "Fantasy or reality?"

"Why you so weird Pope?" JJ piped up. Athena leant over to where he sat on the floor, rolling a joint in his hands, slapping his arm. The boy turned to her in slight shock.

"He's not weird." Athena told him. "Just smart."

"It's fantasy but possible reality." Kie replied to the Heyward boy.

"Reality." John B nodded.

"Virtual reality." JJ muttered, about to light his blunt. However before he could, Pope snatched it out of his mouth, throwing it on the floor, it now lost in the back of the very messy van.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now