004. twin intuition

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chapter fourtwin intuition

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chapter four
twin intuition

After cleaning John B's wounds at the Chateau, Athena helped Pope get him into his bed, John B still unconscious throughout the entire thing but luckily still breathing

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After cleaning John B's wounds at the Chateau, Athena helped Pope get him into his bed, John B still unconscious throughout the entire thing but luckily still breathing. Athena sighed as she stared at the boy led down before she turned and left his bedroom. The blonde greeted the pogues, who were sprawled around the Chateau.

"Hey Thena, he alright in there?" Kie asked.

"He's breathing." Athena told her. "I should head home."

"Yeah us too." Pope agreed. "I'll walk with you Kie."

"Awesome. I'll see you around Thens." Kie waved her goodbye. Pope following after, but not before hugging the Cameron girl.

The two walked out the front door and suddenly Athena was left, stood in the Chateau alone. She sighed, wandering outside where JJ stood, smoking. Athena shivered slightly as she stared at the dark blue sky, constellations shining down on the two, lighting their faces as if there was a spotlight on them from god himself, making his presence known to the couple, like they were special for some odd reason.

Athena continued to stare at the stares, tilting her head to the side slightly. She was unaware that JJ had now turned to face her, taking in and admiring her side profile. Athena Cameron, just like her name was a goddess, the epitome of beauty. However, for just as Athena was the goddess of war, Athena seemingly had a war going on inside of her.

JJ could tell. As soon as he set sights on her gorgeous blue eyes, he could see the conflict that lied beneath them. The eyes were the window to your soul, wasn't that the saying? And God, could JJ Maybank read Athena Cameron like a book. Inside her eyes, he could see the war that raged on, like a storm over the sea. Waves crashing against each other, fighting over who gets to reach the horizon first. And Athena was little a small boat, right in the middle of the fight, trying her hardest to stay afloat and not get dragged under by either side, forgotten in the big picture as she drowns alone.

The war?

Kook vs Pogues. The whole island war made Athena feel small, like she was a tiny boat. Athena could barely stay afloat, she constantly felt as if she was drowning, dragged under as the war raged on. Athena Cameron didn't know what side of the war she wished to be on, in all honestly she just wanted to survive.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now